The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Your chance to win a £100 Argos voucher to spend on something for the garden!

marsden log cabin from argos

Marsden log cabin from Argos

It’s time for another Cottage Smallholder Grand Draw. We have linked up with Argos this time and the focus is on their fantastic range of garden log cabins. They are sponsoring the super prize of a £100 Argos gift voucher.

Ever since I read the books by Laura Ingles Wilder as a child, I’ve fancied having my very own log cabin. Danny shares a similar dream and would love a sturdy studio space in the garden which could double as an extra summer bedroom. Knowing Danny, he’d have heating installed in a jiffy and use it as a year round retreat.

Argos has a great range of log cabins and most of them are on sale at the moment. Danny would be happy with the Marsden Log Cabin. I’d prefer the deluxe Forest Garden Bradnor Log Cabin.

If you’d like to enter the grand draw and the chance to win the £100 voucher just leave a comment below about which log cabin you’d chose and why. The voucher can be put towards a log cabin or anything else in the garden section from cloches to power tools.

Good luck everyone!

Cottage Smallholder/Argos Grand Draw Terms and Conditions:
Delivery will be within 28 days of receiving the winner’s address. Prize draw open to customers and non-customers aged 18 or over who are UK residents. Proof of eligibility must be provided on request.
The prize is £100 worth of Argos vouchers and the prize includes postage to winner’s UK address. Promotion runs from Thursday June 28th 2012 to Wednesday July 11th 2012. All entries must be received by 11.59pm on July 11th 2012 BST latest.

The winner will be drawn at random at the end of the promotion. If a prize remains unclaimed after reasonable efforts have been made to contact the winner the promoter will be entitled to dispose of the prize as it sees fit without any liability to the winner for having done so.

Other than the winner’s name and address, your details are not shared with the sponsor or anybody else. We do not keep mailing lists either so there is no risk of spam when you enter.


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  1. Cabsite Buildings

    Can you get a cabin for £100 in Argos!!??!

  2. Well done, Cathryn…. Sweden here you come!

  3. Danny Carey

    The winner of the £100 Argos voucher is Cathryn.

    Congratulations, Cathryn. Fiona will be in touch to get your details.

    I ran the draw in the usual manner using the random number generator in Excel.

    Thanks to everybody who took the time to enter. These draws offer a good chance of winning so keep your eyes peeled for the next one.

  4. Hi Fi, i would choose the largest cabin on offer as anything smaller S would soon convert into chicken or duck accommodation.

  5. personally i’d have any of them! they all look lovely although my garden is too small for a shed. I’m more than happy to have everyone on the allotment jealous of me! then again I would probably choose the largest one, simply so it could be used as a Community Allotment shed so that everyone could benefit from it’s shelter.

  6. Jane Allen

    I would choose the Marsden …Tres chic!!

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