The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Update on Mrs Boss and the ducklings: one glorious month old

Mrs Boss and Indian Runner ducklings one month oldThe ducklings are thriving. You haven’t heard much about them as there seems to be little to report. But writing this post this evening there seems to be loads. And I havn’t even touched on Carol bursting into the Emerald Castle to steal their greens!

The ducklings are tall now, towering over Mrs Boss – the small, squat bantam that is their adoptive mum. Tiny feathers are appearing on their wings and tails and they are still covered with the softest down.

One duckling has started to quack. A fuzzy sort of sound, reminiscent of Sweep’s voice (do you remember those glove puppets Sooty and Sweep? I have to admit that they never were a favourite but Sweep’s voice fascinated me. How could a dog ever sound like that?). When I first heard the burr eminating from the Emerald Castle grounds, I assumed that it was Mrs Boss as she has a wide range of expressive utterances. But it turned out to be Tipex. Freddie and Eric are still cheeping.

Apparently female ducklings quack first. Just as it should be.

Our ducklings are the ultimate loungers. In the morning they like to indulge in a spot of sunbathing. The afternoon sees them repairing to the shade of the Emerald Castle as Mrs Boss stands in a lonely, solitary vigil in the castle grounds.

If she hears me approaching she calls them and they tumble out, blinking in the sunshine. They are partial to snacks between meals, chopped greens and vegetables and some Fortnum and Mason priced duck treats that I cast on the water of their seed tray pond.

I’ve discovered that clean water ideally needs to be supplied with food. The food is washed in the water, the water is drunk through the food. Clearly Mrs Boss hasn’t taught them this – being a well bred bantam who eats and then drinks. This must be an instinct harping back to ancient times when the first webbed foot of an ancient duck ancestor was finally placed on dry land.

They do have a 24 hour buffet of chick crumbs to sustain them but there’s nothing like the offer of worms, slugs or handful of chopped lettuce to keep them on their toes. Then it’s off the sunloungers in an instant and no holding back.

The slothful waddle is transformed to an energetic dash to grab as much as possible in the shortest time. Like the Olympics, shaving seconds suddenly counts. It’s the difference between retrieving the slug or missing out on anything – even a medal. For a few whirling minutes the ducklings appear to be as cunning as a conman on a charity marathon. They jump on their sibling’s feet, easy as they are so big, bump and shove and employ every tactic to get each other to drop the treat. So the swishing of food in water, guzzling, barging and thieving is sustained at a frenetic watersplashed rate until the very last gulp. Mrs Boss observes in the backround and always gets some treats herself.

Freddie looking out for treatsThen the ducklings stand looking out. Hoping for more. And Mrs Boss bobs about in the background happy to be part of the gang. If she finds an extra undiscvered morsel she often squeaks and clucks and all three dive in as one to retrieve it.

Sometimes at dusk I open the side of the caste to peep in. A contented Mrs Boss looks up. Surrounded by a half circle of adopted ducklings, pressed to her side, their beaks nuzzled into her feathers for warmth and comfort.

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  1. I would like to add that I had an amazing experience last summer hatching 5 bantam chicks in an incubator. By chance my Wyandotte was broody so the night they hatched I swapped one egg at a time with a chick. The Wyandotte we called Mary which has now changed to Mad Mary. She has never been with a cockeral but as I took the chicks in 1 at a time, by the 3rd time as i approached she stood up to let me put the chicks under her. She was a great surragote mum but this summer again she has gone broody again and I’m ure shes persistant because she has experienced having chicks. I love my hens they are such a brilliant pet…they really dont ask for much…and what I get in return is immeasurable.

  2. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Belza

    Great to hear that you are going to try hatching some eggs under your broody hen.

    As she is broody it is unlikely that she will lay any more eggs or leave the nest to get friendly with the cockerel. The broody process stops egg laying. But you could put fertilised eggs from the other hens under her.

    I have no idea how long it will take for the cockerel to fertilise the other hen’s eggs. You need to watch and see what is going on. Also look elsewhere on the internet as I have no experience of cockerels. You could consider buying some fertilised eggs for her (Ebay).

    All eggs need to be put under your hen at the same time so that they hatch out at the same time, putting a small clutch under her and adding to it would be a disaster. Once they hatch the chicks need to be looked after and the hen will be torn between doing this and sitting on the nest.

  3. Beryl Reynolds aka Belza

    I have loved reading your story and have printed it for the rest of the family…Daughter..son-in-law..3 teenage grandchildren to read,
    At the ripe age of 79 we have become a foster hen-keepers to 5 layers ( also, periodically to a few table birds) We are in charge when the family go on holiday. We have a hen that has gone broody and at first thought this was a REAL nuisance but as she is being so persistant we have decided to borrow a cockerel and let her (and him) have their fling.We haven’t put this into action yet but will do in the next couple of days. She has proved that she is quite happy so sit on anyone’s eggs and would appreciate any advice as we are all, humans and hens, inexperienced. What we would like to know is :-
    1. As we have been pinching her eggs for some time now is Broody likely to lay a small clutch before starting to incubate the eggs.
    2. If we let the cock court all the ladies how long is it likely to be before most of the eggs laid are fertile?
    3,If she starts to incubate a small clutch could we introduce some eggs from the other hens?
    We are not going to keep the cock for very long, he is a short term loan
    Pleased to have met you, will look you up again. Best wishes Belza

  4. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Veronica

    They are fun and interesting. They are constantly hungry and want to get out.

    Perhaps tomorrow I will open the creaky door of the Emerald Castle and see what happens…

    Hello Sally,

    I liked Sweep too. Hated Sue and wasn’t so keen on Sooty. But I always watched them on TV.

    Hello Magic Cochin

    So pleased that Sooty had something to read!

    Bantamese, Duckish -this made us laugh. Thanks.

    Hi Scintilla

    A strange combination indeed. Mrs Boss is valiant but now rather overwhelmed by her charges.

    Hello Amanda

    I can now see why one of your sons fell in love with an Indian Runner duck. They are enchanting.

    Hi Pat

    Yes they’ve grown massively and are very vociferous!

  5. Awwwww Haven’t they grown!!!! Thanks Fiona!!

  6. Amanda at Little Foodies

    So lovely Fiona!

  7. Scintilla

    What a delightful account! Hens, Ducklings, what a brood!

  8. magic cochin

    Sooty has been reading this post – he’s sitting on the stationary shelf in my office (a genuine 1960s glove puppet which was one of my favourite toys!)

    I can just picture the ducklings “ you’ve described them so well. They must be bi-lingual “ they can understand bantamese as well as duckish.


  9. Glad to see she forgives their awful table manners. (And yes, I remember Sweep, he was the only character I liked. Didn’t you just want to strangle Sue?)

  10. Veronica

    Such a lovely story! The ducklings sound enormous fun, and I adore the image of Mrs Boss snuggled up in bed with the ducklings.

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