The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Update on Inca




Inca is still being cared for at the Animal Health Trust. We get daily updates from the vets. She has been stable for three days now and is eating. The infectious diseases tests are due back today. Depending on the results they can balance the correct medication for her condition. I also got a call yesterday morning from a vet at our local practice – she had been up at the AHT and visited Inca.
“I gave her a stroke but she’s still very shaky.”

We are missing Inca like mad. I hadn’t realised how this little dog has got under my skin. The cottage is very quiet without her. Min Pins are one person dogs and there is nothing that you can do to influence this. The Contessa has chosen Danny. Dr Quito and Inca are more drawn to me. Although they all know that Danny is a much softer touch when it comes to titbits.

We decided not to visit Inca. I didn’t want her to get upset if we visited and then left her again. But it is hard thinking of her being there and not being well. Like all Min Pins she is very particular about who she likes and who she would definitely not invite to tea. But she did warm to the vets at the AHT and relaxed when they examined her.

Meanwhile The Contessa and Dr Q shadow me constantly. In the past The Contessa was not interested in the morning chicken duties, now she joins Dr Q and me at feeding time.

At the moment I’m busy pricking out hundreds of flower seedlings into trays. These are then set under the makeshift cold frames that I’ve made with recycled bubble wrap and old windows.

I do this on the table beside the pond, where I can sit down. The two elderly Min Pins lounge in the sun at my feet. All min Pins are sun worshippers. Like me they love the sun on their backs.

Hopefully Inca will be back with us soon.

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  1. Wishing Inca well, and hoping she’ll be back with you all very soon.

  2. I have been so fed up that I haven’t been able to leave comments on your Inca posts. I have had such trouble with my internet connection and only been able to read the posts but not leave a comment for you. Anyway I think I may manage it this time. I was so sorry to read that Inca has been ill. You must have been distraught when she was so ill at first and although not up and running yet things are looking more hopeful. It must be so hard for you to not see her but I understand your reasoning entirely. We send our best thoughts to you all. x

  3. Hope Inca gets well soon. I envy you your connection with your dog. We have a 20 week old Border terrier Puppy (bitch) and I am finding it very hard to make a connection with her. My husband and children really like her but I am finding it really hard. I have never had a dog and my Dad actively dislikes them- maybe that is why I am finding it so hard to get used to her.

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