The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Third Annual Brigid in Cyberspace Poetry Reading

amaryllis just openingPottering on Monnroot’s blog, I spotted an invitation to Third Annual Brigid in Cyberspace Poetry Reading.

This, amogst other festivities, celebrates Brigid, the Celtic goddess of poetry, healing and craft and Groundhog Day. The invitation was originally sent by Deborah Oak.

I love poetry. And find half remembered lines a comfort and inspiration. Whether it is “The boy stood on the burning deck” or something as sensuous and delightful as the lines below. Poetry can be carried easily in your head and unwrapped carefully when needed.

I’m an old romantic in every sense. When I first read this poem back in the seventies, I was touched by the intimacy, the depth of passion and the distilled, wavering confidence. Today I found that it’s still a great love poem.

Thanks Moonroot and Branchesup for inspiring me to find this poem and read it carefully again.

With a Gift of Rings

It was no costume jewellery I sent:
True stones cool to the tongue, their settings ancient,
Their magic evident.
Conceal your pride, accept them negligently
But, naked on your couch, wear them for me.

Robert Graves

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Moonroot,

    Definitely worth giving a whirl!

  2. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Deborah

    Thanks so much for dropping by. Thanks for the invitation (via Moonroot). It was a great excuse to bask in poetry for a while.

  3. deborah oak

    Thank you! What a poem! I’m rather intoxicated with the amount of poetry I’m drinking in. Thank you…this one is rich.

  4. moonroot

    Ooh, yes that is a lovely poem. And loved the bread sauce recipe. It’s one of those t hings that we, too, usually cop out & buy a packet mix for. Next time I’ll DIY!

  5. Fiona Nevile

    Hi pumpkin-power,

    I love this poem too.

    Hi angelfeet,

    Thanks for dropping by. Glad that you are enjoying the save money posts.

  6. angelfeet

    I agree, it’s a simple but gorgeous poem.

    Also wanted to say, I’m feeling inspired by your ideas to save money in 2008, so that you for posting about it.

  7. pumpkin~power

    Wow! What a wonderful and beautiful poem, so touching. Thank you so much for sharing it….

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