The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Review: Alternative remedies from Diana Mossop


Photo: Some of Diana's remedies

Photo: Some of Diana's remedies

Danny and I went to London this afternoon to see an alternative healer. Diana Mossop  lives in Jersey and consults in London and Jersey. She is the founder of the Institute of Phytobiophysics and has a marvellous reputation for healing ailments and conditions that conventional medicine seems not to be able to help. Around here she is known as The White Witch and many, desperate but “semi scoffers” have been helped by her methods and now visit her regularly.

She has been developing and using her own flower formulas for years starting with a friendship with a witch doctor’s daughter in Africa when she was five years old. She’s the sort of alternative practitioner that would have Bad Science frothing at the mouth. I don’t care if they visit here and pour scorn on my opinion. I think Diana is great.

In fact the last time I went to London was to see her, three years ago. My energy levels were low and her treatments worked really well for me. Up until now I haven’t felt well enough to make the trip to the Big Smoke (70 miles, 90km, 2.5 hours) during this present malaise.

I left Danny sitting outside the Marble Arch branch of Prêt with a good book and a large beaker of coffee and an hour to people-watch as I whistled off to Upper Berkeley Street. Just seeing Diana makes me feel better – vibrant, attractive, full of ideas.

She has an uncanny knack of pinpointing things that are going on with me. Stress clearly has an effect on health. Not being 100% fit is stressful. She also picked up that I had the remains of the swine flu virus and glandular fever. Apparently the glandular picture doesn’t always appear on a blood test. I must admit that I was delighted to find out what was going on with me as I beginning to think it was M.E. I trust Diana as much as my conventional doctor. If Diana has supplements to help me get over this three month bout of illness, then that’s great.

I left with a bag full of remedies to reignite my system.
“You are really very strong Fiona. You can beat this.”

Needless to say I’m also following the conventional medicine route. I’m seeing my GP tomorrow for another test. I‘ll be interested to see what she thinks about alternative practitioners and Diana in particular. I‘m pretty sure that she’ll say,
“If her treatments make you feel better, I’m all for it.”

It’s the positive attitude that’s the key.

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  1. Joanna Milligan

    I visited Diana Mossop’ s clinic in Jersey in 2013 after getting no answers from my Doctor and consultants in Jersey and London in 2012 I just did not feel well, with a foggy head and an upset tummy, not being able to eat certain foods and was very sensitive to sugar. Because I was not getting anywhere with my Doctor after lots of tests, I had terrible anxiety and depression. Diana and her son Anthony were so professional, kind, warm and very understanding. I felt so comfortable in their presence and trusted them so much.
    Anthony took a sample of my blood and looked at it on a screen, they could see my Mercury fillings were leaking, which left me with candida and a leaky gut. I also had chronic fatigue.
    Diana put me on a strict diet no wheat, gluten, diary, caffeine or alcohol, I was on this for a year with many ups and downs but Anthony was an absolute star, I rang him up many times in tears and he always had lots of time, and understanding warm words to give me.
    I was very impatient and could not understand that this process would take so long, but late 2014 I got there and I have never looked back, I would recommend Diana, she is an incredible lady, and Anthony was always at the end of the phone when I needed reassuring. I have so much to thank them for they are wonderful.

    • Debbie

      Hi, I visited Diana in 2009/10 with m.e. at the time I was very weak and dizzy and could virtually walk. She helped me a lot. How are you feeling these days? Apart from your diet what else did she recommend? I’m having a bit of a relapse at the moment and looking at options, poss acupuncture?

  2. elya adnan

    Hi Diana

    do you know about Wilms tumour in children? Have you worked with cancer patients?

  3. Diana Mossop

    I have just read your website and am exceedingly touched by your comments and faith in Phytobiophysics and the Mossop philosophy. I send you my loving thoughts with the prayer that you continue to recover.

  4. I agree totally with what has been written on the blog so far, I wish you all well, a positive mind aids the body to heal itself.
    Most of our ‘modern medications’are derived from plants, they do work wonders and are potent yet they are ‘natural’,being untampered with or chemicals added. Proof being St.Johns Wort should not be taken with certain ‘prescribed’ medications which is my argument for natural remedies.
    I always remember pharmacutical companies visiting GP’s to get them to prescribe their ‘product’,a few years ago it seemed to be ‘statins’ that where the flavour of the month with GP’s handing them out like smarties…….
    Makes one think about drugs being prescribed for the ‘correct’/’wrong’reasons?
    I am not ‘knocking’ the medical profession,if it wasn’t for their intervention,I wouldn’t be here today! I do admire them immensly,it’s just that repeat prescricptions,long term medication never seem to be revued.I think that every person with a long-term illness requiring long-term medication should be revued every few years at least,this could probably save the health service millions,as surely we must get immune to certain medications after taking them for years!
    This way,they would be finances to study illnesses like ME to find out a cause a cure!…
    Apologies,I’m on my ‘soapbox again’,guess you can see that I am passionate about this.
    I wish all of you the best,hope you feel better soon,I believe that the body tells you what it requires,if it makes you feel good,continue.
    Much love to you all,hope that your strength recovers,body,mind and spirit.
    Odelle X

  5. I visited Diana in London from Ireland. I was feeling very unwell for a number of years, no energy, constantly getting colds and unable to pull of them, aches and pains all over. She told me I had dingue fever (got a mosquito bite several years previously in Oz but did not do anything about it). She prescribed medication and within 3 weeks I was already feeling a lot better. I have not looked back since. I would HIGHLY recommend this lady. I wasted far too much money and time visiting GPs and being wrongly diagnosed by them. Diana is a genius!

  6. Hi. I have had ME for 10 years and and read about Diana Mossop in CFIDS 50 recovery stories-I spoke to her yesterday and am about to send off a swab for analysis. I would love to hear from anyone else who has been treated by her and/or who has been able to improve their ME by any other method. Thanks everyone. Jox

  7. Debbie Wright

    Hi Fiona, I went to visit Diana at the back end of Sept this year. I was told by my GP (after several blood tests) that I had M.E. and there was no cure for this! I have been ill since April this year, at one point I was unable to get out of bed for 3/4 wks. My health has improved since that point, enough to enable me to get into the car, with my partner driving and go to London, although I did have to arrange a overnight stay on the way down to London as the journey would have been too much as I am based in Merseyside. I was too told that I have Glandular Fever, Epstein Barr, traces of Swine Flu low oxygen in my body along with a few others and a few emotional issues from younger years. Since seeing Diana my health has again improved but I am still nowhere near back to full recovery but she did say it would not happen over night! Many people have said that I am mad going all the way to London and spending so much money on her formulars but I am confident that this is the way forward and confident that this is what I need to regain my strength, health and confidence back. I have also been to see a NHS consultant (had to wait 6 months for my appointment!!!) who has basically done the same tests as my GP which all came back normal! If the test come back normal from the consultant, which I am sure they will he will then put me on a programme of how to learn to live with M.E. Sorry to sound negative but if they do not know how M.E. starts and they do not have a cure then how do they know what is best for the suffers!!! It just makes me so angry that there is no help from the NHS as this illness is life changing to anybody that has it!
    I am due to return to see Diana tomorrow. I cant wait to see what she has to say this time around. Hope you get well soon as I know how difficult it is living with a condition that takes over your life! Be confident in what you believe x

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