Thank you!
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Fun | 14 comments
Photo: Lillies in the pond garden
I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who left a comment on my last post.
Yesterday was a long and stressful day but every now and then I’d log on and laugh and laugh. Danny had a busy work day but the intermittent guffaws from The Rat Room told me that he couldn’t resist checking too.
Everyone knows the healing power of laughter and most of us have heard of Norman Cousins who claimed that laughed himself back to health. As you know, I’m an avid reader of The Oldie magazine. Very witty and great writing. I do miss the old fashioned comedy shows of the sixties and seventies. This clip from The Morecambe and Wise Show is an absolute classic. Shot in 1971 the boot section of the show nearly wasn’t recorded as Shirley Bassey couldn’t stop laughing during the rehearsals. Sometimes when I’m feeling a bit low I remember this sequence and just have to smile.
I’ve spent a happy half hour watching Phyllis Diller videos on YouTube. I could do with some more pointers. Have you got a favourite comedy sketch that you’d like to share?
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This always makes me laugh.
Amazing animation. Interactive design and food two of your specialist subjects.
Diary of a Nobody always makes me giggle, and Just william, the audio books read by Martin Jarvis are wonderful.
Hi Rosa
Thanks for these tips. I have a portable DAB headset that I used to wear at work and now use in the garden. I will tune into radio 7 and give it a whirl.
Hi Louise
Graves disease sounds grim – poor you.
Loved your suggestion! Very funny can’t wait to find more.
Hello Magic Cochin
I had not heard of Bill Bailey and now I’m a fan 🙂
Hi Suz
Have just spent a happy half hour on YouTube checking out your suggestions – brilliant.
Hi Dee
I hadn’t heard of Gavin and Stacey. Just checked them out on YouTube. Great stuff – thanks for the tip.
Hi Barbara
Thanks for giving me loads of pointers and suggestions that I hadn’t heard about. I’m going to have great fun checking these out.
Hi Joey
I remember watching that Blue Peter episode when I was a child. Much funnier in retrospect. Thank you. Bill Bailey is great too!
Hi Denise
Both are wonderful clips! Thank you.
What about ‘Fork Handles’ from the Two Ronnies,
or Monty Python’s ‘Four Yorkshiremen’,
I’ve just a had a good titter rewatching them.
The ‘Blue Peter Elephant’ still has me in stitches right to the last John Noakes comment. It’s so ‘British’ and the presenters are all trying to be so normal in the face of such chaos! Failing that,anything by Bill Bailey is always a pick me up. See both on You Tube.
I love Victoria Wood, and recorded a lot last Christmas.
There is a digital TV channel that plays a lot of comedy. (Because this area went digital last year, and we get the signal from a relay station, I can’t receive it so I don’t know if it is any good. If they can’t be bothered to broadcast here on Freeview, I am not spending money to get more stations not to watch.) But I do like having a digital recorder with a large memory to store up things to watch when needed.
Flanders and Swan, Tom Leher, P.D.Q.Bach, to listen to. The Reduced Shakespere Company to watch or listen to. On TV, Have I got News for You or QI on BBC1-there are slightly longer versions that are even better. Gilbert and Sullivan.
I hope you find lots to laugh at!
Is there something the matter with me ?
Because I can’t get enough of Gavin & Stacey on BBCiplayer or on the to-be-very-much-feared Murdoch channels…Tidy !
How about a little time on YouTube, you don’t even have to get out of bed. Lots of five minute clips….may I suggest any TV shows you were fond of in childhood (Magic Roundabout, Bod, Trapdoor, Wombles?) or favourite comedian (Robin Williams or Eddie Izzard?) or how about that Mission Impossibe Squirrel advert?….
Oh I love Shirley Bassey on M&W – what a star she is!
How about a little song from Bill Bailey
Enjoy 😉
I’ll confess to lurking for months as well, partly because I am awaiting thyroid surgery – I have Graves disease which causes eye problems – my lovely Dr has warned me off the computer! But my patience has run out – I want to join in.
When at work I’ve a 30 minute drive each way and after a hard day, often listen to Dad’s Army (on tape). I always arrive home smiling not snarling -quite a feat on occasion. The link below is to an old Max Boyce sketch I first heard in about 1975. I love it. The delivery and timing is superb. Maybe not everyone’s taste – very silly humour but give it a go folks. Thanks so much F & D for being a part of keeping me sane for the last few months, I love your blog.
Wow, in the space of a few weeks I’ve gone from silently lurking to actively commenting! The lyrical efforts of Flanders and Swann got me through the dark days of exam revision, and I grew up listening to old radio shows like The Navy Lark and Round the Horne. BBC Radio 7 has a Comedy Hour around the time I get home from work where they’re replaying a lot of them, and some of the panel shows like Just a Minute on Radio 4 are also worth a giggle, particularly the older episodes.