Thank you!
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Fun | 14 comments
Photo: Lillies in the pond garden
I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who left a comment on my last post.
Yesterday was a long and stressful day but every now and then I’d log on and laugh and laugh. Danny had a busy work day but the intermittent guffaws from The Rat Room told me that he couldn’t resist checking too.
Everyone knows the healing power of laughter and most of us have heard of Norman Cousins who claimed that laughed himself back to health. As you know, I’m an avid reader of The Oldie magazine. Very witty and great writing. I do miss the old fashioned comedy shows of the sixties and seventies. This clip from The Morecambe and Wise Show is an absolute classic. Shot in 1971 the boot section of the show nearly wasn’t recorded as Shirley Bassey couldn’t stop laughing during the rehearsals. Sometimes when I’m feeling a bit low I remember this sequence and just have to smile.
I’ve spent a happy half hour watching Phyllis Diller videos on YouTube. I could do with some more pointers. Have you got a favourite comedy sketch that you’d like to share?
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Hello Donita
Thanks for adding to this thread. What a wonderful clip!
I could watch this over and over, it always makes me laugh and smile…wonderful medicine!
Hello The Chicken Lady
I loved both of those links and went on to watch as many available videas that I could. Thank you.
Hi Elizabeth
All I can say is that I wept tears of laughter when I watched the clip. Danny got quite concerned!
I can highly recommend this clip –
from the 1987 documentary ‘On the Piste.’ It’s an absolute tonic and guaranteed to get anyone laughing out loud.