
The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Surprising developments at the cottage

Posted in Cottage tales, Dogs | 6 comments

Surprising developments at the cottage

Toffee and Roo After her sister Fanny died, back in November 2022, Roo was bereft. Fan had barked for her, led her and chatised her when she didn’t fall into line. With Fan at the helm, Roo was always protected. Fan was particular in her likes and dislikes. My sister’s pugs, along with Grump Pot Puskin, were high up on the list of persona non grata. Fan gave them all hell. In fact when I buried Fan. Pushkin attended the funeral. Purring loudly as each spade full of earth covered her up. Roo mourned for weeks. She...

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Dogs do cry

Posted in Cottage tales | 2 comments

Dogs do cry

One of the really great things that my mum shared was a love of dogs. Albeit with reservations. When we were 10 years old we were given a dog. This was a very caring move. It meant that we had to take responsibility for another being. We had to feed the dog, take it for walks and house train this puppy. The reward was a great companion when life got tough during the teenage years – the dogs were allowed to sleep in our bedrooms. Mum did say that it was hard not to play with the pups when we were at school. She deliberately hung...

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