The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

A tale of two chimneys and how to sweep your own chimney

Posted in Save Money | 54 comments

A tale of two chimneys and how to sweep your own chimney

Years ago when the cottage was being renovated I was advised by the foreman that my chimneys needed relining. “Don’t worry Fiona. It won’t make a mess. You need to get it done though. A dodgy chimney could be dangerous. I happen to know a man that has a company that relines chimneys I’ll give him a ring.” The Chimney Lining Friend came and examined the chimneys carefully. His face was grave. “Both chimneys need relining. As there are two, I can do you a deal – both for £3,500.00.” I trusted the...

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Update on Einstein: the pigeon trapped in our chimney

Posted in Wildlife | 9 comments

Update on Einstein: the pigeon trapped in our chimney

Danny woke me early. “I’ve an idea. If we block off the sitting room end of the chimney, I could run a tube from the exhaust of the car down from the chimney pot. Carbon monoxide. The end would be quick and he wouldn’t suffer any more.” Perhaps it was the effect of the heat wave. The hot, fretful, sleepless nights had finally taken their toll. The idea was crazy. Our chimney is high – a good twenty five feet above the ground. It would be impossible to get a tube in the chimney without a cherry picker. And who has...

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