The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

STOP PRESS! We have a winner for our Argos bedstead competition but she has gone AWOL!

Photo of Sutherland kale sprouts

Photo of Sutherland kale sprouts

It’s now a week since we announced the winner of our latest competition. Beki was the winner (comment 19). But like so many that are asked to leave an email address, she clearly didn’t leave her primary email address – rather a hotmail account. This is fine if you don’t win the prize and rarely check the account but for a prize winner it could spell disaster.

I’m going to give Beki 30 days to claim her prize from the date that it was drawn (which was April 24th 2012).

Please note that we don’t have ‘an email list’ on this website – we are not going to deluge you with ‘offers’ or pass on your address to anyone. The only communication that you might receive from us is an annual Christmas card. So if you enter one of our prize draws, always leave your primary email address.

When I saw all the comments, I so wished that we had 60+ bedsteads to give away.

So it’s now up to you Beki. Claim your prize now!

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  1. Shucks.. and I thought we all might get a second chance!

  2. Danny Carey

    Crikey. How the heck did that happen?
    Beki was definitely 19th on my printout. Also, somebody else challenged by email to Fiona on the day I made the draw. F double checked by counting manually and confirmed Beki.

    This is really weird, and I have no explanation for it TBH.

    I will Google tonight to see if any other WordPress blogger has experienced this.

    In any case, Beki made contact now and the bed is on its way.

    But it does need explaining

  3. Marion

    Steve’s right!

  4. steve h

    I may be wrong Danny! but on my computer post 19 shows up as belonging to a Dianne on April 17th! and not Beki which is post no 7.

  5. I still can’t believe what a fantastic give-away this was!! Wow!

  6. I was gonna the say the same as Jenny. I only use a hotmail address!!! Hey ho!!!! I never win anyway 🙁 haha!

  7. Marion

    Wooo hooo. If Beki doesn’t get in touch soon, that means the rest of us are still in with a chance!

  8. Jenny Debeaux

    I only use my online email account because I think it’s safer. An awful lot of junk was getting through, so I switched from Tiscali – we had a package with them! – and the emails have stopped that offered me things I really didn’t want. Maybe that’s why Beki has a Hotmail account, too.

    BTW, that’s an impressive little hen house!

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