The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Simple rack of lamb recipe

rack of lambRack of lamb (best end of neck) is such a treat. There are 6-8 cutlets on a joint. Sometimes we treat ourselves to one from Fred Fitzpatrick’s. His chops are much chubbier than the supermarket ones so he cuts the rack in half and we pop one half in the freezer.

Our freezer clearing project has unearthed several delights and tonight we ate a half rack of lamb that had been languishing in the freezer disguised as something else.

For years I used to order rack of lamb when I went to a restaurant, imagining that it would be a palaver to make. Then I dropped in on a non cooking friend. She was preparing one of Fred’s half racks for a dinner á deux with her new lover.
“It’s easy. Set the oven to 180c (160c fan) sprinkle them with herbs, pop them in a dish, add a glug of wine and roast them for 30 minutes or so depending on weight. And you have gravy from the wine and the meat juices.”

And that’s all you do. Allow 400g for two (perfect with a starter or pudding) and roast for 30 minutes for rare. Add five minutes for if you like them medium rare and another five or ten minutes if you want them well done. You can plunge in a knife and separate them to check how well done they are. They are very user friendly and will happily be bunged back into the oven if they need a little more time.

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  1. ive never done a rack of lamb before and now im gonna try your recipe for dinner later, with roasted carrot/parsnip/butternut squash, mashed spud and fine green beans. mmm mmm mmmmm cant wait.

  2. Well guys

    I’m trusting you with my rack tonght and hope that its as good as you suggest. using a Merlot (New Zealand) and a good mix of herbs to marinade and will be serving with roast spuds (small cut) to maintain simplicity. Will be washing her down with a bottle (or maybe two) of Penfolds Bin 128. Can’t wait.

  3. Thanks for the easy directions for rack of lamb. I’m cooking it for my son and his gf when they come here this weekend.

    • Fiona Nevile

      Thanks for leaving this comment. I love rack of lamb. It’ so easy.

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