The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Shitake mushroom and cream sauce recipe


Photo: T bone steak with mushroom and cream sauce

Photo: T bone steak with mushroom and cream sauce

Yesterday Danny bought two T bone steaks from Tennant’s in Newmarket for a treat. He also grabbed a bargain at Waitrose – 150g of shitake mushrooms for 29p.
“I’m going to try making a simple mushroom sauce like the one you made to go with the calves liver last week.”
The calves liver came from the Tesco CFC. Another treat bargain.

I’d thought that my sauce was a real winner but Danny’s sauce won hands down in the mushroom and cream sauce stakes. Now I can see why people are happy to spend two or three quid on a small carton of Shitake mushrooms. This is a very easy sauce, high in fat so ideally is just an occasional treat.

It was the perfect sauce for the T bone steaks. It would be great with chops or liver too.

Shitake mushroom and cream sauce recipe


150g of Shitake mushrooms, sliced
1 walnut sized knob of butter
Quarter tsp of garlic granules
Pinch of mixed herbs
Pinch of cayenne pepper
150ml double cream


Put the butter and the sliced mushrooms in a saucepan (lid on) over a low heat until the butter melts and the mushrooms start to sweat.

Add the herbs and garlic. Continue to simmer (lid on) until the mushrooms are soft.

Then add the cayenne and the double cream, stir constantly over a medium heat until the cream thickens.

Pour the sauce over your steaks and serve.

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Jo

    It’s great to have Inca back home with us.

    I use garlic granules a lot – they are one of my standbys for pulling a dish round. The granules from France are much better than the UK ones. I also grow and use garlic in cooking too even though it’s more of a palaver to prepare.

    Hi Patricia

    Thanks for your good wishes regarding Inca. We missed her so much when she was away.

    I always head for the bargain section first too. In fact the majority of our meat is on offer or marked down in price.

    Hello The Curious Cat

    This is a great sauce. We had it again with roast chicken on Sunday and it was superb.

    Hi Tamar

    Yes I read about your shitake experience on your website. I’m definitely going to give it a go – thanks for the nudge!

  2. Tamar@StarvingofftheLand

    You know all those shady spots you mentioned in the post on borders? You could use one of them to grow your own shiitakes. All you need is an oak log and some dowels impregnated with spore (you can buy them online from mushroom people here in the US — I assume there’s a UK option as well). If it takes, you’ll have mushrooms for several years. Cream sauce galore!

  3. The Curious Cat

    My mouth is simply watering….

  4. Patricia

    My mouth is watering and I can’t wait to check the “gently bruised” cart at my supermarket – they have all the must-sell organic vegetables and fruits – here there is a law that organic vegetables and fruits must be off the shelves after, I believe, 3 days. So on weekends the “gently bruised” cart is loaded with plastic wrapped packages of wonderful produce. A couple of weeks ago they had a package of assorted mushrooms for only 99 cents US$. What a bargain but I passed – this time I will search all 8 shelves for mushrooms. As prices have gone up and money has become dear, this little corner of the produce section is my first stop.
    AND – YEAH! for Inca, I spent the weekend so worried about her health.

  5. jo@littleffarmdairy

    Hi Fiona – nice to know Inca’s back home enjoying your TLC.

    Just wondered why your recipes frequently use garlic granules, rather than fresh garlic? Is it for a more concentrated intensity of flavour, or just easee of preparation?

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