The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Seville Orange and Quince Marmalade recipe


Photo: Seville Orange and Quince Marmalade

Photo: Seville Orange and Quince Marmalade

After discovering that Seville orange marmalade wiped quince marmalade off the map I was intrigued. I love the taste of quince jelly and quince marmalade might be good. I had 700g of quince pulp left over from making jelly. Rather than make Membrillo I thought I’d experiment with combining Seville oranges and quinces in a rich marmalade. As there was no recipe to tell me how to do this I had to invent my own. Quinces are harvested in September and Seville oranges appear in the shops in January in the UK. But with the help of a freezer you too can make this remarkable marmalade.

Last year I adapted the Delia recipe that we follow, removing 700g of oranges and replacing them with the same weight of sieved pulp. The result was excellent – a rich marmalade. Chunky Seville hand cut orange slices hanging in a delicious quincey orangey base. Unbelievably fruity, sultry and good.

We’ve guzzled this marmalade all year and agreed that it could do with more orange slices. So yesterday I followed the instructions for Delia’s Dark Chunky Marmalade  – by poaching the oranges they are so much easier to cut and prepare. Then I put 700g of quince pulp through the food mill and added this and an extra 1.4 kilos of sugar at the ‘add sugar stage’ of the marmalade. The ratio of sugar to oranges in Delia’s recipe is 2 to 1 – no wonder marmalade is so waist challenging.

I added the extra sugar incrementally until the marmalade had a similar sweetness to last year’s batch.  We don’t like marmalade to be too sweet. But you could add more sugar to taste. Just remember to stir it well to dissolve the sugar before you bring the pot to the boil for the long simmering stage.

If you do use Delia’s recipe for Dark Chunky Marmalade there is one point that is not very clear in the recipe. All the poaching liquid is used in the recipe not just the 570ml in the pectin saucepan. I also discovered if you tie the muslin loosely you can put two wooden spoons – diametrically opposed and twist them against each other to easily squeeze the muslin firmly without tears.

More marmalade recipes to follow. Watch this space.

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  1. Hi there,
    I tried the Delia marmalade recipe and it’s delicious, but I got a very odd result – black marmalade. I didn’t burn it, but I’ve no idea why it’s so dark. When spread on toast it’s a very dark brown but it looks sinister in the jar! Any ideas what I did wrong?
    Thanks, Kaarina in Lancaster.

  2. I put a quince tree in today (along with medlar) so one day perhaps I’ll try this.

  3. What was that Delia’s instructions not quite clear OMG what’s the world comming to.

    Loving reading about your preserving adventures, keep it up.

    Best Wishes


  4. This sounds great, loads of Sevilles and about to make marmelade, and I’m sure theres a bag of quince buried at the bottom of the freezer. Will have to dig out the cauldron, and make enough for a whole year, as I did last year,only just finished the last jar!
    I usually add a handful of quince to all my jams/jellies as it really helps setting (sometimes too much so!!) Thanks!

  5. seahorse

    Incidentally, how much sugar did you add? Nigel Slater, I note, uses remarkably little in his recipe – less than half what Delia would use!

  6. seahorse

    This is an excellent recipe. I am currently up to my eyes in Sevilles and have quite enough to be going on with but I will bookmark this recipe for next yr and reserve some quince come October. You should send a pot off to Cumbria. £5 an entry 😉

  7. I am not really into jams or conserves. I like fruit, I have just never reall liked it. I would rather eat beef jerky. defo a savoury type person.

    FN pictures of the inside of my house are on my blog, if you are interested

  8. So how much total sugar did you wind up using? Just curious, and maybe someone else will want to know.

    I love orange marmalade so much I’m planning on a Seville orange tree for the green house….

  9. hARUMPH!!!! Another post sent to taunt me!
    Drooling in France

  10. Marmalade’s are my favorite to make and eat! I look forward to the recipes. I have one for a tomato marmalade that is heavenly, but its in a book and copywritten. If you find one for this, I highly recommend that you try it! Just delicious. Now I have to try and find some Seville oranges.

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