The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Mashed potatoes with olive oil, goats’ cheddar and chives recipe

mashed potatoesLast night someone came to the blog looking for the answer to a fundamental question,
“Who invented vegetables?”

Whoever invented potatoes was onto a good thing. They are included in 80% of dishes in the Northern hemisphere and Danny adores them. Occasionally I cook rice or cous cous but when he cooks, potatoes are always included. They are his touchstone.

Until I met D I just bought “white potatoes”. Apart from Jersey Royals in the Spring. Danny knows all the names (even the ones from his childhood when he was forced out in the icy March winds to plant extensive rows with his father). Despite this cold shower start he still loves them.

When I realised that potatoes were important in our home, I did a bit of research. Maris Piper potatoes are perfect for the East Anglian soil. I have taken to buying them in 25 kilo sacks from a farmer in Dullingham. Good firm Fenland potatoes complete with black Fenland mud. At a fiver a sack they are a bargain.

It’s easy to press the folded five pound note into the cash box that is welded to the trailer. The hard part is shifting the sack from trailer to D’s car. With Herculean strength I manage this. They flop onto the back seat and lounge there to accompany him on his travels. Have you ever met a potato that has not just been dug up and transported from A to B?

We are not talking air miles here, just experience. The ones at the bottom of the sack know England better than me.

This evening it was my turn to cook. I had a brief foray into the fridge – a land packed with inspiration and kiss of life ingredients. I found some elderly goats’ cheddar in the fridge and decided to make a different sort of mashed potato. Danny goes for lashings of butter and cream. I went for something a bit more raunchy. I stirred in olive oil and grated goats cheddar and chives.

It was very tasty and balanced the freshness of the young lamb that we were eating. I made enough for four so that there would be enough for croquettes tomorrow.

Mashed potatoes with olive oil, goat cheddar and chives recipe


  • 1 Kilo of potatoes
  • 150g of goats’ cheddar
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • chives (12 stalks)


  1. Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into 2cm chunks. Put the potatoes into a large saucepan of water with half a teaspoon of salt. Bring to the boil and simmer until soft (10-15 minutes).
  2. Mash the potatoes or use a ricer.
  3. Gently stir in the olive oil, grated goats’ cheddar and chives.

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  1. Ooooh Fiona,
    This sounds delicious!……
    Another great idea to try, I’m so pleased I ‘found’ your site! Thankyou.
    I only wish I could find a bag of freshly un-earthed Maris Pipers for a fiver a bag….LOL
    I love potatoes, cheese n chives, haven’t tried them with the oil though, shall give it a go, wish I wasn’t having curry tonight now.
    Having a freezer clear out-yeuch!
    On the positive side I’m sure to find something to go with the delicious mash for tomorrows meal.
    Many thanks, Lv, Odelle X

  2. Richard

    Sounds delicious – where do you get your goat’s cheddar from? I’ve only ever had a hard goats cheese once (from Borough Market from memory) and it was terrific.

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Richard

    I buy the goats’ cheddar at Waitrose (in the cheese section not the cheese counter) and occasionally find it at Tesco.

    It’s great finely sliced in sandwiches with cucumber and pesto.

    The pack seems quite small but a little goes a long way.

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