
The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Recipe for chicken, mushroom and tomato risotto

Chicken, tomato and mushroom risotto - true comfort food

Chicken, tomato and mushroom risotto - true comfort food

I’m not very keen on the combination of chicken and cooked tomatoes. Would never have chicken on a pizza. But I had half a tin of tomatoes left over from our favourite sausage and bean dish and thought that I’d bung them into a chicken risotto as an experiment. Risottos are so easy to make and are a great way of using up scraps that are knocking about in the fridge.

The result was really tasty and good. Danny was amazed – I hadn’t told him about the experiment just passed him his plate of food and slipped nervously into the kitchen as he took has first forkful.
“This is truly sublime! I would never have thought that tinned tomatoes would be good in risotto!”


Chicken, mushroom and tomato risotto(for 4)
2 tbsp of olive oil
275g of Arborio rice
a couple of handfuls of chopped cooked chicken pieces
1 medium red onion – chopped
1 chunky clove of garlic chopped fine (or a teaspoon of garlic granules)
380g of mushrooms (sliced)
1 x 440g tin of red tomatoes (including juice)
1 tsp of vegetable stock powder
half a tsp of dried savoury (herb)
500-750ml of vegetable stock
1 tablespoon of grated parmesan
To dress:
Freshly ground black pepper
3 tbsp of grated parmesan
Heat the olive in a large heavy bottomed sauté pan.
Gently fry the chopped red onion until it becomes translucent.
Add the Arborio rice and stir to coat the rice with the oil.
Add the chopped garlic and stir.
Put the tinned tomatoes in a measuring jug and top up with boiling water to make 500-750 ml of liquid. Add 1 tsp of vegetable stock powder and stir well.
Add the mushrooms and savoury.
Add the hot tomatoey stock about 200ml at a time and stir until it is absorbed.
When the rice is soft but still has a bite stir remove from the heat and stir in the chopped chicken and a tablespoon of grated parmesan. Cover the pan for five minutes to allow the meat to heat through.
Add a good dash of freshly ground black pepper, sprinkle with grated parmesan cheese and serve on warm plates.


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  1. Thank you Mandi & Hattie. Because I live in deepest Suffolk without access to a waitrose so I will ask my sister to get me some dried, and keep my eyes peeled at the garden centre & farmers market for a plant to add to the herb bed.

  2. Caterina B

    Very tasty sounding recipe! Rice is extremely versatile, I have found. I also especially love a creamy rice pudding for dessert. (or pudding for pudding if you’re British, right?) I just found your website and can already see that I am going to really enjoy it. My hubby and I try to raise as much of our own food as possible at the difficult elevation of 7,150 feet in the Rocky Mountains.
    We both love to cook and make most things from scratch. Today it is Anasazi beans with homegrown ham hock, roast pork with fennel, and homemade 5 grain bread. Yummy! Because we both work we do this every weekend so we have leftovers for dinner during the week.

  3. Kooky Girl

    I must admit I quite like tomato and chicken with rice. I sometimes use chorizo instead of chicken and just a little bit of tomato with some red onions, broccoli and garlic.. all stir fried together with cooked rice added at the end. It’s a really quick and tasty meal.

  4. Sorry I made a mistake in the name of the brand of dried savory it is Barts.
    My apologies.

  5. Waitrose sells packets of dried Savory. Ocado also stock Waitrose’s brand. I use it all the time.
    Lovely recipe Fiona, I’m definitely going to try it this coming week, many thanks.

  6. you can get summer or winter savory, the winter one is slightly more pungent. Sometimes its called ‘the bean’ herb as its used a lot in pulse dishes.
    You can buy the plant as a fresh herb in most garden centre usually fairly cheap about 2 pounds.
    It is a one of the ingrediants of herbs de provence but it does seem hard to find in singular dried form from any of the main supermarket 🙁

  7. I love reading about your experimental recipes, and trying them out on my crowd, you often mention a herb called savoury & Ive had a good look in the local garden centres in the herb section & in the seed section but cant find it, is it called anything else perhaps?

  8. My mum makes an oven-baked rice dish she calls a risotto. She’s been making it since I was little, which is before foreign recipes reached our shores! It was chicken, bacon, onions, skinned tomatoes, tinned tomatoes and rice, cooked in chicken stock in a tightly sealed dish in the oven. She’d give your experiment the thumbs up.

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