The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

R.I.P Baby




It was only a day or so ago that we were talking about Baby – our diminutive cockerel. The tiny rooster that never really grew up. Bullied by the rest of the flock he moved permanently into The Emerald Castle. A solitary life that he so clearly loved away from the rasp of sharp beaks and fear. He grew a little, put on weight and started preening himself. But he never was able to crow like the big boys.

I knew that something was wrong this morning when he didn’t appear in the Castle grounds. He was always eager for his morning corn – pressed up against the metal netting strutting back and forth.

I scattered the corn around the rest of the run before I took a peek inside The Castle. Baby was dead – small eyes closed and head outstretched.

Even though we suspected that his life would be short – he suffered from a sort of petit mal and would often close his eyes and flop – it was a shock.

I loved this little bird. Knew that I shouldn’t let myself get too fond of him.  

I crawled under the duvet with Inca and wept for my little friend and the joy that he’d given me every day.

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  1. Tamar@StarvingofftheLand

    Oh, Fiona! I’m so sorry.

    This is the flipside of the joy and satisfaction of putting lives under our care. I try to steel myself against my animals’ eventual death — either by my hand, by illness or predator, or by simple ol dage — but I don’t ever want to be so steeled that I am not pained.

    I am sorry for your pain, but it is your sensitivity to these animals that makes you such a wonderful steward.

  2. Michelle from Oregon

    Mandi is right, Mrs Boss has him now, getting him settled in…

  3. Sad… hoping Mrs Boss is waiting to look after him 🙁

  4. Hi Fiona,

    Really sad to hear. Its amazing the impact these little guys have on our lives.


  5. So sorry to read your sad news – you gave him a lovely life and he knew that.

  6. So sorry to hear about Baby, the ones who struggled in life are always the ones you miss the most. It is as if they know you are a soft touch when you go out of your way to make their life better and it gives them a short cut to your heart.

  7. Sorry to hear about your loss – you gave him a good life. I know it sometimes seems silly to get upset about a loss, but they are to most of us pets and it is right to mourn their passing. We recently lost the first one we hatched at home – she was also the proud mother of some chicks from bought in eggs.

  8. It is always very sad when they leave us, but I have come to belief that the important thing is the quality rather than the quantity of life that is important. Take some comfort from the fact that you gave him a happy time & remember him in his prime. X

  9. So sorry to hear about Baby, it’s so sad when our friends die.

  10. Fiona,
    I feel for you, it is so heartbreaking when suddenly they are not there. It has happened to me a few times & I weep for them too. Take comfort in knowing you did your best for him.
    Hugs to you both, Hattie

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