The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space


Brittany our little red hen

Brittany France our little red hen

When Danny mentioned that I might like to sign up for Pinterest, I wasn’t very keen.

“Well what is it exactly?”
“People pin images on boards.” He didn’t blink, just tilted his head to one side and added, “It’s very popular with, well, women.”
I’ve never been a scrapbook fan. Images on boards? Why on earth would I want to do that?

I ignored his suggestion.

Then I heard that Pinterest is the fastest growing media site of all time. So I went and had a very brief peek. Even though I’m a visual type of person, I couldn’t really see the point of it. But I joined up and started making my boards.

Some people don’t want their photographs pinned on Pinterest. I don’t mind at all if an image can bring more readers to my articles and recipes. Of course I want to attract new readers. Wouldn’t you?

If you have a blog or website you can discover how many images have been pinned from your website by using this link. Just supplement your website instead of “yourwebsitenamehere”

Apparently, an unspoken protocol is to use just 25% of your own images. That’s when I started to have fun.

As I examined other people’s boards for images to repin I discovered new recipes, drinks – mint julep anyone? Tips and tricks, garden inspiration, books I’d like to read and so much more. I can now boil an egg without that horrid grey line around the yellow yolk. One day I might be lucky and find a source for that elusive ginger beer plant (without yeast) that I’ve spent sleepless nights searching for in the search engines.

Pinterest is about pinning beautiful images on boards but it is also wonderful resource for discovering fresh ideas and new paths to explore.

And there are men on Pinterest too.
“Danny. Have you ever considered joining Pinterest? I’ve just discovered that computer cables can be stored inside old loo rolls.”


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  1. Nicola

    I love pinterest too – it can be a complete timewaster though, you can spend hours looking at boards. I think it is a great way of remembering great things you’ve seen online (much better than a great long list unorganised list of bookmarked favourites) and a great way of sharing your finds with others, and seeing what others have found.

    I’m swallowbarn on pinterest by the way.

  2. Marie @ Awakeatheart

    I love pinterest. for me it’s not only a super fun time-waster, but a great way to expand my knowledge. I created a board called “the natural life” I use to repin/share DIY nontoxic recipes I gather from pinterest and blogs around the net, and I put a widget on my blog to share that board with blog readers.

    my board, in case you’re interested:

  3. Sandra Jeffery

    Saving toilet rolls from now on!

  4. Jean D

    I’m on interest too, I find it gives a lotos inspiration, and saves on paper. Have a nice weekend

  5. Thrift Bee

    What a great tip for finding who has pinned from your blog Fiona – thanks so much. I was hooked on Pinterest for a couple of months. I don’t dip in so compulsively now but it is still a terrific resource for ideas of all sorts. I’ve always been a believer in mood boards, but that was when i could buy 100’s of magazines through work (fashion). I just don’t buy magazines anymore, so to do it online is great.
    We are doing a huge makeover on our garden at the moment and picking 5 or 6 images from my garden board and putting them together using PicMonkey and i can print out one A4 page showing my ideas.

  6. Audrey

    I love pinterest too but it is a great time waster. Have not pinned any of my own images yet.

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