Our hearts are so precious. They need to be cherished.
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Cottage tales | 112 comments
Inca getting bored with being photographed
Danny and I are splitting up. It’s very painful and I’m feeling so sad and desolate.
We have been together for 15 years. We were always good friends. He has never ceased to be a fun, intelligent and charming companion. He has shared so much knowledge. He always surprised and entertained me.
He also loved my Min Pin dogs. Scorned by so many in the past.
Unfortunately physically I could never be the slim, svelte lady that he really wished to have on his arm. And there’s the rub for both of us.
It has been hard for me to look in a mirror for years.
In the end I think that we both realised that we had find separate paths.
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Dear Ms Neville,
I have actually been looking at your apple chutney recipe and really like it- am in the middle of doing it, but remembered that I have got to go and see an old lady who loves the stuff!! She used to be my carer. The chutney was meant to be for her!! But when I saw it had to be cooked for 4 hours I gave up! Will give the chutney, instead, to mum and dad! They will love it!!! I’m sure!!
Moving on…..I felt a little sad on finding this article about yourself and your dog! Is there no way in which you can save the relationship with your dog? Are you sure you want to part after 15 years?
So sorry to hear about you and Danny, havent seen your site since Jan when we lost Dad/Fred xxx
Time does heal, thnking of you – keep hugging those dogs of yours xxx
Fionna,the wonderful thing about being human is our free will. You know each and every thing that needs to be done to make yourself lovable to Danny. As you make these choices, you will find that you become lovable to your self. Choose relationship, choose Life.