The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Blogs worth visiting: Food on the Food

jug of daffodils beside my laptopI’ve just spent the last half hour laughing in bed. Not at Danny’s jokes; he is diligently working away in The Rat Room just three feet away. I am lying under the duvet with the Min Pins and a warm wireless laptop reading an excellent foodie blog.

I know that I should be downstairs, fully dressed, fiddling with the spluttering bacon under the grill and writing a long list of to do jobs (10-11 March 2007). Despite heartfelt promises to rise early and till the soil before waking D with a breakfast tray at nine, it’s now ten in the morning. Inca (Min Pin pup is licking my feet). We have worked out that she has delusions of grandeur (chiropodist). Danny has willingly brought me my third mug of tea and not mentioned breakfast.

I love Ximena’s sparkling, upbeat Lobstersquad blog and she led me to a wonderful blog Food on the Food. Tammy Donroe is a Boston (USA) based freelance writer. Her blog is subtitled Food, Foolishness, Life. Upbeat, fun and quirky, her blog is just the sort of excuse one needs to stay in bed on a Saturday morning and avoid challenging chores such as grappling with the rats in the chicken run.

Tammy Donroe posts every day. As a blog widower, Danny will confirm that this can be tough. The tears at 23.49 pm are never down to the soufflé not rising. They are the result of a combination of a totally blank mind and screen.

I have explored Food on the Food over the past couple of weeks – and particularly enjoyed the categories Reasons not to read my blog and Family Cookbook. The latter is a wonderful collection of photographs, history and recipes that have been handed down through several generations from both sides of her family.

So thanks Ximena, Tammy and finally Danny for brightening up an overcast Saturday morning in Cambridgeshire. Tempted by the smell of grilled bacon and a handful of fresh eggs thrown into the frying pan for a traditional Cottage Smallholder brunch, I eventually wandered downstairs. Danny was busy buttering toast and still smiling. Sunday’s breakfast just has to be my responsibility. I think scrambled eggs and smoked salmon would be welcome.

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1 Comment

  1. tdonroe

    Well, you just made my day! So glad you’re enjoying my blog and thanks for saying so. And I’m glad to have an introduction to your wonderful blog, too.

    I’ll be back.

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