The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Photo: August flowers

Photo: August flowers

I’ve been warbling on for months about the virtues of lemon vinegar in salad dressing. Last night our lemon vinegar finally ran out and I decided to make some more. It originally came in a dinky quarter carafe with a sturdy cork. I shook out the pieces of fruit, the equivalent of two chunky slices cut lengthwise into eight pieces. Then I removed the pretty label to check the ingredients. I discovered that it was orange white wine vinegar or rather Condimento all’ Arancio, as it was made by Raffaelli in Tuscany, Italy.

No wonder it was so special and unlike any lemon vinegar I’d ever tasted. Tangy and utterly gorgeous, even just drizzled over a salad without any oil.

Clearly oranges plucked from a Mediterranean tree would be perfect for this infused vinegar but I’m hoping that Waitrose will have a good selection of oranges when we next visit.

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Michelle

    Californian citrus fruit are great. Saturated with sun.

  2. Michelle in NZ

    Hi Fiona

    Confess I keep my eye out every winter here for Tangerines imported from California. Full on flavour
    that is so wonderful for many types of cooking. None here yet…..

    Yes to oranges you can buy! And to making a delicious vinegar. Half the fun is waiting for it to mature while thinking of the full-on flavour you’ll get!

    Wishing happy flavour hopes,

    Michelle/Mickle xxx

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