The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Not feeling very well tonight

Photo: Stone dog in the snow

Photo: Stone dog in the snow

The decorating is going well but suddenly I have broken out in an itchy rash that is slowly driving me nuts, so I’m off to bed with the Min Pins and an inorganic hottie.

We still have snow on the ground here in the village. Danny went on a 240 mile round trip to the M4 corridor today. He saw no snow from the time he left until he returned to the cottage. It’s nice but a bit tawdry now, just like our kitchen before I began painting it.

By this time next week the snow should be gone and the cottage kitchen should be glistening.

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  1. Glad you’re feeling better and have figured out the cause.

    ‘The Lovely Bones’ is a wonderful book – I couldn’t put it down!

  2. michelle sheets

    Hey Fiona,
    I was rooting around online to see if I could find anything out about paint allergic reactions, and I found this-

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Pamela

    Yes, I’m fine. The Rumer Godden book takes a bit of getting into and suddenly you are hooked. I couldn’t put it down and even considered not ging to work one day!

  4. Glad to hear you’re on the mend. Who would have thought that you could get such a strong reaction to paint? You weren’t finger painter, were you? I read that Alice Sebold book a couple of years ago. It’s really good. I have started the Rumer Godden book, haven’t got very far yet as I have been tired going to bed (hardly surprising, given how late I retire for the night!)and I only read in bed.

  5. Fiona Nevile

    Hello Kate(uk), Pamela, Michelle, Nà, Jackie, Carla, KarenO, Magic Cochin, Moonroot, Sam, Casalba, Pat, Heidi and Sara

    Thank you so much for all your good wishes.

    By the time that Danny returned last night I was covered with a painful rash – blisters under the skin that matched the shingles photos on the internet. We were both a bit panicky but with a bit of delving deeper we thought that I had probably got chicken pox (I have been feeling a bit off colour recently).

    The rash was soothed by a bath and as I was off to bed I spotted Pamela’s comment and took an antihistamine tablet. Thank you so much, I wouldn’t have though of this. The rash kept me awake for hours and my hands burned. Luckily I had a great book at the hip – The Lonely Bones by Alice Sebold.

    In the morning the rash and burning had gone.

    Reading your comments, I reckon that it was an adverse reaction to the paint. I opened the windows all day – a bit fresh as there’s still snow on the ground and wore gloves. Just a tiny bit of itching. So all is well.

    Thanks again for your support so much appreciated.

    Meanwhile, the kitchen looks great and we are going to use this paint through the cottage. Even if I have to wear a diver’s outfit.

  6. Hope you are feeling better Fiona.x

  7. Hope you feel better soon!

  8. Just thought – Nettle tea is supposed to be good for rashes. Hope you’re feeling better by now.

  9. Hope you feel better soon Fiona. 🙂

  10. Another one suspicious of the paint here! Get well soon.

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