Moorish, more-ish, moreish, morish. Which do you use?
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Cottage tales | 12 commentsAt the end of a long day, defrosting the freezer and scrubbing the larder floor Danny and I eventually fell out. He had been engaged elsewhere, sorting the clothes from the eight foot pile in the bedroom. Finding matching socks. Some hope.
After a few hours we were both feeling like slaves. I could sense the possibility of a humongous row looming so I drove off to do the weekly shop.
This valiant and selfless action seemed to put things on a more even keel. I got home, spent an hour in the garden and then wrote the post for the day.
Danny checks my posts and often points out where I have gone off track.
“This is just not germane,” is a comment that has me straining the veg onto the work top rather than the sink.
Somewhere out there on the Internet my unreviewed posts lurk. I cringe if he is checking at 08.30 am. They probably have been up for hours.
This evening I had used the word ‘Moorish’ on my post. D replaced this with More-ish. We decided to delete the word altogether as we couldn’t agree on the spelling. After supper I ventured onto the Internet and found that there are four spellings going strong and everyone believes that their spelling is the correct one.
Moorish, more-ish, moreish, morish. Which do you use?
We are still communicating but actively avoiding the word. Even though we ate a very M***ish dish this evening.
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This crack is really moreish!
Hi Amanda,
Lucky you with all those close contacts in Spain. The very word tapas perks me up.
We probably have the perfect space – tiny cottage (minimal hoovering/dusting) on a third of an acre. It seems a lot of land until I want to start a new out door project, then I am searching for space. We never, ever want to move from here.
I agree with you the land is the key.
I agree, my favourite type of food. My husband grew up in Spain, his best friend lives in Andalucia and his parents near Barcelona so we visit as often as we can. Made me hungry just typing that. I do love your blog. You have the life we will hopefully have when they boys are a little older and we can afford a bit more land. Never wanted a big house, just some land.
Well, Amanda, I’ve always imagined the Moors cooked food so good that you coudn’t stop eating it. The sort of food that I like best. Plates and plates of wonderful, delightful scrumptious mouthfuls “ that can be eaten without a fork.
I hadn’t given it a second thought until Danny insisted on more-ish.
I think moreish is probably the best option. Although I know that Moorish people are cooking delicious mouthfuls as I write. I hope that you will be visiting Iberia soon on your Little Foodies world tour.
Now I couldn’t let this one just settle in my brain so after a little investigation – I now think it’s definitely moreish. Actually now that I type moreish it just seems right too, I still like the sound of moorish… but that does indeed pertain to the Moors.
Hi Rosemary,
You are a heroine as far as Danny is concerned. At the end of a troublesome day he smiled with approval when he read your comment!
Thanks so much for dropping by.
I like more-ish but have never had occasion to write it only say it.
Danny would write more-ish, I favour Moorish (like you, Amanda), I didn™t know that there was a difference until last night. And, Angelfeet, D mentioned the Moors and their food and that made me think.
This is not a trick question. I just was curious about the spelling and the thinking behind the word. Thanks, both of you for jumping in and getting your toes wet. Much appreciated.
I vote for more-ish or moreish. Moorish would be to do with the Moors (unless that was what you were talking about).
Without thinking I’d have typed moorish but now you’ve put it in my mind that it could be wrong. Sounds like the sort of discussion my husband and I have, which is why I post mine and hope he never reads them – teehee!