The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Life changing devices: the simple preserving funnel


Photo: Fiona posing with the preserving funnel

Photo: Fiona posing with the preserving funnel

I always thought that preserving funnels were the sort of dinky faddy things that Little Grey Rabbit might have had hanging in her kitchen. For years I’ve found that filling jars with hot jam, marmalade or chutney has been a messy business. My mum advised putting the jars on newspaper before filling – which is a good trick as you throw away the paper and the mess in seconds. But you still have to deal with the sticky jars.

Lingering in Newmarket this week I spotted a preserving funnel on sale in a kitchen shop. At half price, it was irresistible. I’d been keeping my eye out for one since Kate(uk) mentioned how good they were in a comment on the blog.

Filling jars with homemade passata I overfilled a jar and the extra passata stayed in the funnel and didn’t spill. Later I made some crabapple chilli jelly and filling the jars was a doddle. No mess, waste or cleaning up palaver.  Brilliant.

Amazon has one here Faringdon Preserving  jar funnel and Westfalia has a cheaper, similar one. Update: I’ve just spotted that Lakeland has a non stick one for a good price.

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  1. I have been so tempted by so many of the gadgets you have written about. Even more so when you provide good reasons why they would be useful when I was struggling to think of any. But this is a must – and within budget too!

  2. Magic Cochin

    We’ve got one of those – so why haven’t I been using it when filling jars with scalding hot purple gloop?!

    At what’s more, where has it gone?


  3. Michelle in NZ

    So lovely to see a photo of your beautiful self!

    My folks have a wide mouthed funnel for preseving. I’ve recently bought 2 larger sized funnels for all that I do, super cheap at my (un)supermarket.

    Sending super love, Michelle xxx

  4. I found a wonderful trick ~ the dishwasher came with a plastic funnel for adding the salt crystals …… hey presto, it fits over most of the standard jam jars a treat and makes filling them with hot jam a real easy task! No purchase ~ one item does two jobs!!

  5. Toffeeapple

    Don’t you look relaxed? Wonderful! I wish you many years of happy bottling!

  6. I bought mine from Lakeland and wouldn’t make jam or chutney without it!

  7. Jane aka:aromatic

    Lovely photograph! and what a great invention… must seek one out, thanks for the links!!
    Love Jane xxx

  8. The wide necked jars they have here in Latvia is a boon. They also have new jar lids on sale every year, took me a while to work out why they were selling jar lids until I realised how much the Latvians bottle up at the end of the year.

  9. I am planning on making marmelade this year so I will be getting one of these.

    I used to preserve peaches and pears every year. I used a “canning funnel” that had a much larger hole. It made it very easy to pack the jars with either halves or slices. I don’t know if the kind I used is available here in the UK.

  10. AND you have a splendid excuse for ‘sampling’ your jam/jelly/chutney by licking it out before washing it up after use….the left over bits are always the best.

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