The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Launch of the Min Pin DogBlog


Photo: Min Pins in the summer kitchen garden

Photo: Min Pins in the summer kitchen garden

Finally the Min Pin DogBlog is up and running.

Min Pins are extraordinary dogs. Brave, protective and independent – small dogs with big personalities. My parents discovered the breed when they were living in Germany. Their first one was called Nippy (the name for the waitresses at Lyons Corner House in London at the time).

When I was 30 I bought my first Min Pin – Fly. Since then there have always been Min Pins in the house. Life would be very dull without them.

There will soon be a tab at the top of the page to access the DogBlog. Meanwhile use this link.

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  1. Mark Gerrard

    My dog too had its tail docked when young. I don’t really recommend this but it has been fine for my dog. just writing this in our holiday cottage in Anglesey and have to say there is a lot of brush here on the mountain a lot of it prickly and the dog never has any problems with it. Although one day she did jump into a large patch and get marooned – very funny until I had to go in and get her.

  2. Your next ones wil have tails – will you think they look strange, I wonder?!

  3. Michelle from Oregon

    Love the dog blog Fiona!
    I’m glad you let the Contessa speak first, I’ll bet she’ll have more great stories coming.

  4. Kooky Girl

    I thougt it quite sweet that the dog blog has more comments than you at this moment. Funny.

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