The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Indulgent treats: Prawns, spinach and crème fraîche linguine

prawn and spinach linguineA couple of years ago we became addicted to Tessa Kiros’ recipe for linguine with prawns and asparagus. Delicious and almost worth crawling the five miles to Newmarket to buy the ingredients.

Tonight we decided to eat Clare’s scrumptious quick spinach and prawn gnocchi recipe and then I spotted that we had some linguine in the larder.
“Let’s try Clare’s recipe but use the linguine rather than buy gnocchi.”
Linguine is the perfect pasta for soaking up a sauce.

Danny has a horror of what he describes as “Thick pasta. Shells and Penne.”
His eyes are bright at the prospect of these and it’s always followed by the short, catch in the throat request.
“Please never give me pasta bake.”

Could this be the 2009 Challenge? I like ‘Thick Pasta.’ With a bit of encouragement, I’m sure that he could happily be tossing Penne into a pan of boiling water in six months time. Pasta bake used to be a favourite too. The rolling eyes had a quick response. He has never tasted mine.

Tonight’s dish was a superb treat meal. Cook the prawns and the cream in a large frying pan. When you remove the prawns to thicken the cream, it will transform quickly. Thickening cream in a saucepan could have you still stirring at dawn.

Serve immediately as the linguine will absorb all of your sauce, if left for a few minutes.

Prawns, spinach and crème fraîche linguine (for 2-3 hungry hunters)


  • 200g of uncooked prawns (these will have a grey colour)
  • 1 fat clove of garlic. Squashed and chopped very fine.
  • 300g of fresh spinach. Washed (even if the pack says that it’s washed)
  • 200g – 250g of linguine
  • 250g of crème fraîche
  • 3-4 tblsp of finely grated parmesan
  • Salt and pepper to taste


The first three instructions need to be started simultaneously in this order.

  1. Put the linguine in a large pan of boiling salted water. Leave for 7-10 minutes (following the instructions on the pack) and when soft to your taste, drain.
  2. Simultaneously wash and wilt the spinach in a large pan. Drain well.
  3. Meanwhile, pour the crème fraîche into a large frying pan, add the garlic and 2 tblsp of grated parmesan and when simmering add the prawns.
  4. When the prawns turn pink, they are cooked. Remove them immediately to a warm dish to avoid them overcooking and getting rubbery. Turn up the heat in the frying pan. The cream will bubble up and thicken. Stir constantly until the sauce coats the back of your wooden spoon well.
  5. Combine the linguine, spinach, prawns and sauce in a large saucepan. Serve on warm plates with a sprinkle of grated parmesan and salt and pepper to taste.

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Pamela,

    We love oxtail too. Years ago it was an inexpensive dish in the UK now it’s a real treat. I love it with dumplings!

  2. The oxtail was fantastic Fiona, so rich. I’ve eaten some and frozen some for later.

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Pamela

    I stockpile prawns and smoked salmon from the condemned food counter and keep themi the freezer for treats.

    Hope that the oxtail turned out well!

    Hi Sharon J

    Lovely light summery food! Nice as a starter too.

    Hi Pat

    This is so easy to make.

    Hi Hayley

    I think that this would work with low fat crème fraîche.

    Re the house, I think that following your instincts is the best way foward.

    Hi Lizzie

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could taste virtual food.

    Hi Beth

    You can’t beat really simple food!

  4. This sounds delicious. Nice and simple.

  5. Fiona
    Thats looking amazing.
    Couldn’t you just mail me a little bit???

  6. Sounds absolutely fabulous, and might even fit in with my diet! Yipeee!!

    Thanks for the advice re: the house. I think you are right… I should follow my instincts!

  7. Sounds Lovely Fiona.

  8. Sharon J

    Sounds gorgeous. Will keep the recipe for a nice, sunny day (sounds like the kind of thing to heat outdoors while swigging a glass of cold, white wine).

  9. This sounds really scrumptious, I’ll keep this in mind when I’m checking out the condemned food counter. I like thick pasta, it’s long pasta I have more of a problem with. I will eat it but I find the way it flicks sauce all over my clothes quite annoying. My oxtail finally made it to the pan and has been simmering away all evening.

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