The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

How to make green willow wreaths for Christmas


Photo: Green willow wreaths

Photo: Green willow wreaths

I’ve been ogling simple wreaths for weeks now. They are quite expensive but could be good for Christmas – small ones on the tree and a large decorated one on the door. But how were they made?

A few weeks ago I cut some green willow from our tree and fashioned a little circle within minutes. I know that most things made with green willow split and bend in unconventional ways so I buried this little treasure in the spice bowl that is nurturing our pomanders. It is a seasoning and drying mix after all.

Since then I’ve twigged that to retain the round shape it would be easier to find a bottle of the appropriate diameter. Even start with a bottle to get the correct size.

The bits of the willow to choose are the thin, flexible branches that are hanging down and in reach. These will be covered in leaves. Cut your willow including a woodier bit to form the initial circle shape. Strip the branch of leaves.

Photo: Making the willow wreath

Photo: Making the willow wreath

Form your circle and then feed the flexible part of the willow through the centre of the circle and over the edge, then up through the centre and over again. This covers the original circle. When you come to the end of your willow branch, guide the tip through the wreath and snip it off.

If you want a chunkier wreath, take a new length of willow and carry on the process of up and over. The willow wreath in the picture below was made with two lengths of flexible green willow.

These little wreaths could be used for all manner of things. A rustic photo frame, the frame for a mirror, to hold a big bunch of flowers or even a circle to hang herbs to dry. In fact the options are only limited by your imagination.

Photo: Finished willow wreath

Photo: Finished willow wreath

If you have access to a willow tree you can make these. They are very cute, easy to make and the materials are free!

Mouse count 6.

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  1. We have willow all around as so many springs in the chalk, so I’ve tried large wreaths, same principle as the small ones but at least four wands thick, until stable; there will be a natural top to it; fill with local decorations: ivy flowers, those iris foetida heads of bright-orange seeds, cigar-like reed-heads from marshy ground, teasle heads, agapanthus heads, holly of course,(I have put halved pomegranites,half-price because bruised skins, around for colour). If in doubt incorporate garden wire with the frame. Ours, on the cottage door, stands up to gales all through the winter (we’re near Chesil Beach.)

  2. Jo@LittleFfarm Dairy

    Anyone who has goats could feed the freshly-stripped leaves to them – very beneficial for caprine health! (Nature’s aspirin).

  3. Does an one no how to make corn dollies !!

  4. We used to make these in Canada when I was little but we made them from grape vines. They are very pretty with the curly leaves included.

  5. You could also use Ivy if you have no willow.

  6. Lovely. Add a little sprig of holly or other decorative touch and you’ve a seasonal item that could replace the gate stand flowers when the main flowering season’s over.

  7. Love your mouse count!

  8. I love these , we made hearts recently so simple and now hanging from my wardrobe with red ribbon. Neighbour has a tree so might have a go later , great for christmas decorated with holly and ivy cinnamon sticks and dried orange. Thanks again ……….and OMG 6 mice


  9. project number 106 on my list :D. I love them Fiona and I have loads of willow. I am sure I will get round to it one day

  10. They look like they’d make good napkin rings, too.

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