The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

How to cook cold smoked kippers

cold smoked kippersFollowing my post on Craster Kippers, I discovered from Dan at the River Farm Smokery that not all kippers are hot smoked. He had offered me some large olive cans for the kitchen garden so we popped into the shop buy some treats.

There were packs of Scottish kippers – ingredients: herrings, salt and oak smoke. When I unwrapped them the next day their flesh was pinkish. We grill Craster kippers for eight minutes.

I wasn’t sure how to cook these so I put them under a low grill 130c for 14 minutes (skin side down) and served them with a chunk of lemon and warm buttered toast.

They were delicious with a definite delicate herring flavour. Brilliant. Thanks Dan.

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  1. Finn Mac Eoin

    In the Kipper smoking process, is sugar used at any stage? Smoked Herring has sugar added to a solution which is rubbed/brushed on the flesh to induce a quicker result. For anyone suffering from Candida, this is not known about and can be a major inducement of the Albicans in the intestine.

  2. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Lewis,

    Great idea for reducing the salt! Thanks for leaving a comment.

  3. My doctor put me on a low salt diet so I soaked the kipper in a bowl of cold water for 3 hours,patted it with a paper towel then put it on a piece of foil in the toaster oven, skin side down for 20 min.on high.Very nice.

  4. Fiona Nevile

    The tins are great, Dan. The perfect size for a tomato plant.

  5. Hi Fiona, glad you got the tins and thanks for the mention….

  6. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Richard,

    My mum uses the hot water method, it works well. I find that grilling them gives them more texture.

  7. Richard

    I treated myself to a kipper on Sunday for breakfast – I just covered it with a kettle of water, covered it and left it while I got on with eating a grapefruit. But then mine must have been hot smoked I think! A big nob of butter and some wholemeal toast…

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