The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

How can I make my chicken go broody?

ThumperEvery now and then I get an email from someone who desperately wants a chicken to go broody. Going broody means that the hen suddenly fancies raising a brood of chicks and will sit on the eggs constantly to incubate them until hatched.

You can’t make a hen go broody. It’s like trying to make X more amusing, or sexy. Either X has the tendency to be amusing or sexy or does not.

If you want to breed chicks you need an incubator or a broody hen. There are strains that have a tendency to go broody. Bantams (a small breed of chicken) are well known to be more prone to broodiness. They can be great mothers. Despite this tendency, we have six bantams and only two have gone broody over the past three years.

I have been told that Silkie bantams go broody at the drop of a hat. Some pals that had a shoot and raised pheasant eggs, used Silkie bantams with great success. But you could buy a flock of Silkies that never go broody. It’s the luck of the draw.

Mrs Boss is the one bantam chicken in our flock that goes broody regularly. Her comb gradually pales from red to pink and she will sit in the nesting box, caring for any eggs that have been laid. She is not bothered about the progeny and will happily sit on anything as long as it’s egg shaped.

It’s important to check your chickens every day and lift a broody hen off the nest. Left sitting, a broody hen may not move. If not shunted out of the nesting box to eat and drink, she will die. The sad fact is that without a cockerel to fertilise her eggs, an undisturbed broody hen will pointlessly sit on a nest of unfertilised eggs indefinitely.

If you have fertilised eggs and want to breed, a broody chicken is a boon. Settle her in a quiet place with her own supply of food and water. She will get up every now and then to stretch her legs but she will care for her eggs.

A bantam will generally be a good mother. Any sitting hen connects with any chick when she hears the first cheep. A hen sitting on eggs will generally accept all fowl that emerge from an egg that is placed under her. This could be a pheasant, guinea fowl, partridge, quail, duck or chicken. We haven’t tried ostrich or peacock (it’s a question of space).

It’s important to provide a safe environment, well away from the rest of the flock. Chickens do not go all gooey eyed when new, trembly legged chicks emerge. There is a pecking order. Need I say more?

Mother and chicks retire earlier than the other chickless hens each evening and so need a separate apartment for the first few weeks. Initially, the mother hen teaches the chicks how to drink, forage and run from danger (under her protective wing) from the word go.

Think laterally and protect your precious chicks from danger. A large stone in the drinking saucer will stop them drowning in the water. You also need to check that bullying is not going on. If this is happening, fence off the separate apartment.

I am very fond of Mrs Boss. Heaven knows why – she is broody on and off all summer. Her broodiness is a problem for us. It affects the rest of our small flock. Broody hens will chase other normal egg-laying hens out of the nesting box. Egg production goes down.

I have learnt that leaving Mrs Boss to her own devices is a downward spiral. She will not give up. She is resolute and single minded unitil I escort her to the prison cell broody coop. Now I clean out the broody coop and pop her in as soon as I spot her comb going pale. I feel a pig but if I catch her early in her broody state, her stay at Her Majesty’s Pleasure is just a matter of days.

She puts in a vociferous High Court appeal every time I pass by the run and her broody coop cell. This is ignored until her comb turns red again. Then the prison doors are thrown open and she rushes out for a dust bath.

If anyone needs a broody hen I would gladly lend Mrs Boss, although I would miss her because it takes three to four months to hatch and nurture a brood until they are old enough to fend for themselves.

My dream is that one day we will be offered fertilised eggs around the time that Mrs B is going broody. There was a fleeting hour or so this spring when someone needed to hatch out some duck eggs.
“Do you have a broody hen?”
“Well, yes. Mrs Boss.”
“I might bring round some duck eggs.”

Danny had a happy day imagining baby ducks swimming in a teeny pond (upturned dustbin lid in the chicken run.) Mrs Boss hovered in the nesting box. Finally we had the call. No duck eggs. Mrs Boss was popped into the broody coop and egg laying by the other hens erupted for the day. Chickens save up and the shells are harder.

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  1. shannon

    hi james, my chicks are doing fine. i should have a few more hatching by monday, hopefully it goes better this time. As for ducks, they are lots of fun to have around, I have 2 big white ducks, i’m not too sure what breed they are, but i must say, that they make a better gaurd dog than my dog!!!!
    They make quite a racket when we get company.

  2. hiya guys, my deam is slowly being realised (at last!)

    I got some ducks today, a white call and a cross, they look really good on my pond!!!

    The chickens are fine, they saw the next generation for the first time today, i brought the chicks out this morning when it was sunny for a while. There were alot of sideways heads.
    Then in the afternoon more, when the ducks arrived!!!
    I cant wait for first duck egg, and later in the year i am getting a cockerel duck (whatever that’s called). Hope your chicks are fine shannon and hope your hatching goes well andi-marie!

  3. andi-marie

    thanks hun

  4. Fiona Nevile

    Hi andi-marie

    There’s a good site here with info and pictures about candling eggs

  5. andi-marie

    at how many days can you candle an egg to c if it is fetile please

  6. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Shannon

    That is such sad news. I hope that you have better luck next time.

    Pleased that some hatched and are doing well.

    Hi andie marie

    Thanks for your input. Much appreciated.

  7. All my chicks should have hatched on the 21. I’ve had 10 hatch now, they are all doing very well. I think that tomorrow I have to through all the un hatched eggs out, which is soooo sad because candling has shown me that they have been growing all along. I think something must have happened, and all the poor litle guys just didn’t have the streghth to finish their journey. Pretty sad:(

  8. andi-marie

    shannon you are not suppose to help chicks hatch as the main bllod vein doesnt berak thill last minunte and if you break it the chick will die hun as my chicks that i hatched i had one then he was trying to peck the others out and i had to remove him early before he had fluffed up. ive got 11 days to go with my eggs i hate waiting

  9. thanx far that wed site, there is some useful info there. They did say that it is a rule not to help them out. I must not have had enough moisture os something. All the eggs were doing well (it appeared) while I was candling them. I still have about 100 eggs that didn’t hatch!!!! Kinda makes me feel sick. What do I do with all these eggs? Throw them in the garbage?

  10. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Shannon

    I’ve read that it can be dodgy helping chicks out of the shells

    Really pleased that you have 9 chicks!

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