The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Hot apple and chilli jelly recipe


Photo: Hot apple chilli jelly

Photo: Hot apple chilli jelly

Danny doesn’t like things to be too hot but strangely the combination of sweet and heat in this jelly gets the thumbs up from him. Apple chilli jelly is brilliant with sausages, pork, lamb or any rich meat. Pork chops baked with a few tablespoons of this jelly are yummy. In fact it’s a very versatile preserve and well worth making. I’ve even added a little to winter salad dressings to give them a bit of a lift. The health benefits of eating chillies are amazing.

I thought that I’d written up this recipe and spent ages looking for it on the site. Basically it’s the same as hot crab apple jelly with the addition of a little lemon juice. I’m writing it up as the left over pulp is the main ingredient for my new recipe – hot spiced apple and cranberry sauce which I will post in a couple of days.

If you are lucky enough to own a fruit steamer like me. You can extract your juice and make the jelly immediately. If not then this is a two day recipe.

Hot apple and chilli jelly recipe
• 600g of cooking apples washed and chopped
• 35g of medium red chilli peppers, washed and chopped with seeds in
• 1 litre of water
• White granulated sugar 500g to each 500ml of juice
• 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
• 5 dried birds eye chillies chopped
Put the chopped apples and chillies in a large heavy bottomed saucepan.
Add 1 litre of water (they should just be floating). Bring to the boil and simmer until the apples soften and become pulpy (lid on). This took about 45 minutes.
Strain through a muslin square or jelly bag overnight. (Retain the pulp to make hot apple and chilli cheese)
Add the juice to a large heavy bottomed pan and add the sugar and the lemon juice. Bring slowly to the boil, stirring to dissolve the sugar. When the juice and sugar has come to the boil remove from the heat and skim well. Return to the heat and bring to a rolling boil until setting point is reached. This took 15 minutes.
Stir in the chopped dried chillies and pour into warm sterilised jars. Seal immediately.

These make great little Christmas or anytime presents.

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  1. kirsty ferguson

    Hi Fiona. Could a juicer be used instead of a fruit steamer to obtain the liquid required?

  2. Jodie Matthews

    Eek! Tried this recipe as a first timer to jam, I have boiled it for to long, it’s more like a really delicious syrup. Any ideas what I can do with it please?

    • Fiona Nevile

      Hi Jodie, Syrup sounds like it has not set properly. You can return it to the pan, bring to a rolling boil and test for set every five minutes. Remember to remove the pot from the heat when testing for set. Using an ice cold plate speeds up testing for a set. If the set is to thick you can add water and bring it to the boil again and then pot up.

  3. Brenda Sessoms

    I would like your apple chili cheese recipe. Please. Thank you Brenda

    • Fiona Nevile

      Hi Brenda, It’s basically the same as the Crabapple Chilli Cheese recipe here

  4. voidvev

    When you double on the quantity on something that sets like an apple jelly so does the setting and boiling time the boiling before setting time will very. for my baking streams p.s. this was the perfect base for my apple strudel without the peppers of course. Slices of apple with your jelly on top then wrapped in strudel is amazing.

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