The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Homemade elderflower and raspberry jellies recipe

Photo: elderflower and raspberry jellies

Photo: elderflower and raspberry jellies

Somehow I missed the elderflowers last year. One moment they were nodding down at me but when I went out with a basket the next weekend the flowers had turned brown. Elderflowers need to be white and fresh for cordial, wine or anything else. Once the brown tinge appears on the flowers they have gone bitter.  If I had searched in shadier spots, I might have found perfect elderflowers but I just didn’t have the time.

Having missed out on all the elderflower recipes I’ve been keeping a beady eye open for this year’s first frothy flowers. They make great cordial,  wine and champagne. But they are also the key ingredient in early summer jellies.  Jellies are so easy to make and you can’t beat a homemade one. They are great for a supper or lunch party – small glasses of tangy delight can be made in advance. Jellies are easy to make and 99% of people love them.

Apart from the five a day fruit factor, fresh fruit jellies are always a treat and  the gelatine in jellies is very good for your nails and hair.

If you are planning to make this jelly. Pick the flowers early in the morning and make the jelly immediately. I used some of own raspberries from the freezer. The tablespoonful of fresh lemon juice is essential to lift the flavours from interestingly scented to a zingy ‘I must have another. Now’ desert.

So always make a few extras.

Most homemade fruit liqueurs would suffice for the Adult Ingredient. Today I used Kirsch as our stocks are running low in the liqueur section of the ‘cellar’. Roll on July and the harvesting of raspberries, gooseberries and currants. Homemade liqueurs are well worth considering. Within three months you could have a tasty grog and within six a very special glass that will detain your visitors a bit longer than expected (sometimes another 24 hours. Beware).

Homemade elderflower and raspberry jellies recipe
Recipe Type: Dessert
Prep time: 10 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Total time: 25 mins
Serves: 6-8
  • 500ml water
  • 40g of elderflowers (no stalks). Roughly 5 big flower heads
  • 100g of vanilla sugar (caster sugar that has a vanilla pod sitting in the jar)
  • 125g of raspberries
  • 4 sheets of gelatine
  • 1 l.azrge tblsp of fresh lemon juice
  • Half a tsp of kirsch
  1. Dissolve the sugar in the water, add all the raspberries and elderflowers. Bring slowly up to simmering point. Simmer the raspberries for 5 minutes and then remove from the heat and steep for five minutes.
  2. Strain the mixture through muslin and reserve the liquid.
  3. Meanwhile soak the gelatine in cold water until soft. Squeeze out the water gently and add the gelatine to the (hot not boiling) raspberry liquid and stir to dissolve.
  4. Allow the jelly mixture to cool before dividing the remaining raspberries between 6-8 100ml glasses.
  5. Pour the jelly mixture into each glass and allow to set (in the fridge (this can take several hours). Decoate with elderflowers(edible). These jellies will keep for a two or three days in the fridge.

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  1. Lynne

    Have you ever frozen elderflower heads or do you know if it is possible to do so?

  2. karenO

    I’ve just picked about 8 carrier bags full so cordial,jellies and wine here I come. I agree no trip out in the country is a waste of money – I think hubby secretly agrees too!! Thanks for the recipe – I sahll be trying it tomorrow.

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Mary

    Homemade jellies are wonderful and so easy to make. I have a lot of fun experimenting with them.

    Hi Jeannie

    Oops. You need about 40g of flowers – about five heads. I’ve updated the recipe.

    Hi Magic Cochin

    I’m not a jelly fan either but I love these little darlings. Especially at the end of a rich meal.

    Hello ruth_dt

    Sorry I forgot to list the key ingredient!

    Hi KarenO

    Elderflower cordial superb and we use it in so many dishes. Actually you can add it to homemade jellies too.

    No trip out the country is a waste of money especially if you are foraging 😉

    I’ve been given picking rights to some elderflower groves (we just have the one tree) in exchange for cordial. So I’ll be making wine too this year. Hic.

    Hi S.O.L.

    These are divine. I think that my favourite are gooseberry and white currant. Very chic.

    Hi Kate(uk)

    I totally agree. And you can use fruit that you’ve frozen earlier in the year.

  4. kate (uk)

    Proper home made fruit jelly is nothing like shop jelly- apart from the wobble- even if you think you don’t like jelly, home-made will convert you…and so easy to make!

  5. S.o.L

    hmm sound divine

  6. karenO

    Yum – must try these, like Celia I’m not a jelly fan but I can just imagine these on a hot summer day like we’ve been having this last week. We’ve been out twice for elderflowers this year – my cordial (which has just run out) & wine from last year were dated May 09 so I assumed they would be ready. Don’t know if they’re late this year or if I made them right at the end of May but we’ve only managed to harvest just enough for a double batch of cordial (which is what we realyy wanted in this mini-heatwave we’re having). Hubby says it will be the most expensive wine/cordial ever if we have to keep going out to the country in the car! Still we take a flask & it’s a good excuse to get out. I’m hoping we don’t miss the bulk of the harvest now by not having time to collect them when they’re open!

  7. ruth_dt

    Um, no elderflowers?

  8. magic cochin

    They look perfect! I made fruit jellies last summer for the first time – I’m not really a jelly fan – but now I’m a convert 🙂

    Thanks for the reminder – with a hot summer forecast what could be more refreshing?


  9. jeannie camm

    Sounds lovely……but how many elderflowers do you need please ?

  10. Sounds absolutely perfect for a summer’s day lunch. I’ve got to try this recipe.

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