The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Happy New Year: may 2012 be a good one for all!

My name is Inca and I don't sent e-cards

My name is Inca and I don't send e-cards

I love Christmas but New Year is the buffed up golden holiday for me. A fresh start and the days are getting longer. There was a marvellous sunset at 4.30 pm today rather than the dreary 4 pm blackout of mid December.

The years seem to be flashing by at an alarming rate but we have lots of exciting plans and projects for 2012. I feel that this is going to be a very interesting time.

Over the past week or so, Danny and I have been bent over the bonnet of our server extracting email addresses. It’s that time of year again – sending out New Year good wishes. I’ve learnt a lot about databases and importing/exporting them into various email packages as .csv files! Quite a bit of ducking and diving but I do like a challenge.

Over the past week I’ve been mailing out our New Years e-cards and hopefully, if you have commented on the blog over the past year, you have received one from us all here at Cottage Smallholder. We appreciate your input. Every comment adds to the overall value of the site.

This year I’ve chosen an e-card from an American website that I only discovered recently – Blue Mountain . This site is great if you want to send out a lot of cards as you can import an entire address book. The maximum cards that it can send out at one time is just 20 but actually with a reasonably speedy ISP you can whizz through 100 names in no time. I sent the 1303rd card this afternoon! When I think of these little puffs of goodwill spreading across the globe, it’s definitely worth the effort.

It might take a while for your card to spin through the ether into your inbox but I do hope that it will be worth the wait.

Meanwhile I’d like to say Happy New Year to all our readers – unfortunately we are not clever enough to track down those who don’t make comments and send them a card too. I loved the card that we sent – if you are curious lurker you can take a peek at it here. Readers are what every blogger craves – they make the whole process of writing and posting worthwhile. So thank you for visiting my blog, it’s much appreciated.



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  1. Erica Price

    Thanks for the card – great fun with all the animals.

  2. I got mine yesterday too, made me smile 🙂 So thank you and I hope 2012 will be a great year for you, Gemma x

  3. Fiona and Danny – thank you so much for the card which arrived yesterday. It really made my day/New Year. Wishing you both all the best for 2012 and many thanks for all the pieces you put up I love reading about your garden and pets.

  4. Bridget

    Yes my card arrived too…thank you very much…it made me smile on a very dreary morning!HaPPY nEW yEAR…..

  5. Islandgirl

    Thank you Fiona for the lovely card. All the best for you for 2012 and may all your dreams come true.
    Best wishes

  6. I was absolutely delighted to receive the New Year card from you both, it really made my day.
    I have been following you for such a long time now that you seem like old friends.
    Wendy x

  7. Very thoughtful! What a surprise. Wishing you a very productive, positive and fulfilling 2012, from the Roman clan in Cobble Hill, BC, Canada.

  8. Sue Scott

    Lovely to have received a card from you. May you have a wonderful New Year. Sue

  9. thanks so much for the card Fiona – great fun and very much appreciated!

  10. Thank you for the card, it made me smile.

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