The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Happy New Year

I want 2010 to be full of laughter. So we’re celebrating the New Year with a competition. Anyone can enter and there’s no limit of the amount of entries per household. All you have to do is name the late arrivals to the Chef’s and Gardener’s Ball – do you remember this on ‘I’m Sorry I haven’t a Clue?’

Play the clip above for some inspiration. The competition will close on Twelfth Night – January 6th 2010. And the winner will receive a battered paperback copy of The Nonsense Books of Edward Lear bought and signed by me in 1968. At 42 years old it’s alsmost an antique.

Happy new year everyone – let’s hope it’s a good one.

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Thank you everyone who joined in this competition. I was really impressed with the high standard of all the entries and spent many happy hours giggling at them 🙂


  2. brightsprite

    That’s it from me.

  3. brightsprite

    This one is for you Danny:
    Mr & Mrs Kipper with son Craster (too easy!)

    As it is getting late, the tail-enders are arriving:
    (Blind) Lady Herds-Pye with her dog Shep
    Mr (call me Chicken) Seur with son Chas
    Mr & Mrs La with son Nigel
    Mr S Pudding with daughter Eve
    Mr & Mrs E’n’dine with daughter Win
    Mr R Green with daughter Eve
    and finally from the East End, Mr & Mrs Leekie with their son Cocka

  4. brightsprite

    Some latecomers have arrived all in one coach!
    Mr & Mrs Knutt and daughter Hazel
    Mr & Mrs O’Trope and daughter Heli
    Mr & Mrs Ryllis and daughter Ama
    Mr & Mrs Greek and son Fenu
    Mr & Mrs Line and son Cordy
    Mr & Mrs Ander with daughter Cori
    Mr & Mrs Perdew with son Pep
    Mr & Mrs Aves with son Bayle
    Mr & Mrs Anthemum with son Chrys

  5. Danny Carey

    Thanks, brightsprite!
    Please welcome Lord and Lady Ing, and their tiresome triplets, Digg, Harrow and Weed
    Please welcome Mr and Mrs Ulent and their rarely-welcomed sons, Flat and Vir
    (think the latter is slightly off topic!)

  6. brightsprite

    Danny & Fiona – I’m just trying to resurrect your challenge, as it ends tomorrow ……

  7. brightsprite

    Please welcome Emperor Neaster, and his son Coto
    Senor & Senora Villea and son Bougan
    Mr & Mrs Hock (hic!) and daughter Holly

  8. brightsprite

    Let me introduce Monsieur et Madame De Lion and their weedy son, Dan
    and their friends
    Monsieur et Madame Fiture, with fruity daughter Con
    Lord and Lady Inia, with their locust-loving son Rob

  9. Adding an international flavour to the gathering are Sahib & Mem Sahib Mati with their son Bas

  10. Accidental Mick

    Please welcome Mr and Mrs Garden with their son Herb and their daughter Rose.

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