Happy anniversary! Cottage Smallholder is three years old today
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Cottage tales | 38 commentsPhoto: Ripe plums
It was a cold and wet day in August when I started this blog. Danny set up the software and I hovered in the background impatient to make a start. By the time everything was ready to go I looked at the default message on the first Classic WordPress screen. Two simple words stared out at me.
“Hello world.” All enthusiasm was punctured with a phut.
“Well what are you going to write?”
“I certainly wouldn’t have started like that.”
In fact I hadn’t actually thought about what to write about. I glanced around the kitchen and spotted The Contessa lolling in an elegant basket on top of the puppy’s cage. And today she lies beside me under the capacious white duvet that covers the human dog basket. The weather is the same, cold and wet and drab but so much else has changed over the last three years.
The blog is no chatty 3 year old toddler. It’s more of a wise friend. Nudging us to share what we discovered. Encouraging us to experiment, reflect and search further. The blog has brought a focus to our lives. We have learnt so much, had loads of fun and ‘met’ so many people. Blogging is a community activity after all and our lives have become richer and more rounded as a result.
There are 1,052 articles here as of today. You contributed most of the 12,804 comments that make up the bulk of Cottage Smallholder content. Thank you all for that magnificent contribution, for reading this blog and helping us grow.
My first blog post 12 Aug 2006
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Dear Fiona
I so love visiting here. Super congrats to you and Danny for a wonderful blog. I’ve just been reading through your scrummo cheese attack on pastry off cuts to make gorgeous wee biscuits.
Super care and bestest wishes to you both, and the Min Pins and your pretty chooks,
Michelle and a once more snoring Zebbycat
Three years is fantastic. I stumbled across your blog recently while researching quinces, and have enjoyed your adventures ever since.
Congratulations! You cheer me up. Many of ’em!
Hello Pat
Your orphan hedgehogs are so cute. I had no idea that they could be so expressive!
Hi Veronica
I really enjoy your blog too. Lots of great food to drool over.
Hi Linda
I’m fascinated by your blog too. Yours is going to be a massive lifestyle change.
Hi Magic Cochin
Yes I always enjoy our shared interests and neighbourliness. Just wish we had more time to venture out and meet up bit more!
Hi Jo
Thank you. Love the term blogiversary!
Hi Paul E
That’s what it’s all about. Making things accessible and easy. Must try elderberry gin this year – have only made wine (very good).
Hello Countrymaiden
Delighted that the damson chutney smells good. Thanks for dropping by.
Hi Jackie
We did celebrate with a big risotto made with handfuls of our own fresh vegetables. Yummy. The three years have flown by!
Hello Lavender and Thyme
Thank you for your good wishes. Antibiotics made celebrating with a glass of grog impossible last night, boo hoo.
Hi Julian
Thanks for taking the trouble to leave a comment. Great that you are enjoying the blog.
Hello Toffeeapple
Thanks for leaving such a generous comment!
Hi Kate (uk)
Yes time seems to be rushing by! But I’ve enjoyed the trip so far.
Hi Heather
It’s good thinking of you reading the blog on the other side of the world.
Hello Wendy
Thanks for your great feedback and support!
Happy Bloggy Day to you!Blogs are funny old thing arent they.You meet some lovely people through them & I know I learn so much. I am moving my blog to private view for a multitude of reasons,if you want to keep reading just drop me an email,the address is on the right side of the blog & I can add you in for when it moves over.
GTM x x
Happy Anniversary! I have so enjoyed reading all your lovely stories as well as all the hints and tips. Good luck with everything you do including many more years with your blog – it’s the first thing that I read every morning. x
Happy anniversary! I discovered your blog this time last year when I was looking round for advice on making marmalade. That search led me here and I glad it did. This blog is my first port of call when I open my computer each morning.I hope there are many more posts to come.
Happy Anniversary Fiona- goodness ,three years…..aaargh, how time flies by….let’s hope for many more in your company.X.
Happy anniversary! Thank you for sticking with it and brightening my life. If you weren’t here my life would be the poorer. Very best wishes to you, Danny and the livestock. A big hug to all of you.
Happy anniversary Thanks for all your blogs look forward to many more. Julian