Happy anniversary! Cottage Smallholder is three years old today
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Cottage tales | 38 commentsPhoto: Ripe plums
It was a cold and wet day in August when I started this blog. Danny set up the software and I hovered in the background impatient to make a start. By the time everything was ready to go I looked at the default message on the first Classic WordPress screen. Two simple words stared out at me.
“Hello world.” All enthusiasm was punctured with a phut.
“Well what are you going to write?”
“I certainly wouldn’t have started like that.”
In fact I hadn’t actually thought about what to write about. I glanced around the kitchen and spotted The Contessa lolling in an elegant basket on top of the puppy’s cage. And today she lies beside me under the capacious white duvet that covers the human dog basket. The weather is the same, cold and wet and drab but so much else has changed over the last three years.
The blog is no chatty 3 year old toddler. It’s more of a wise friend. Nudging us to share what we discovered. Encouraging us to experiment, reflect and search further. The blog has brought a focus to our lives. We have learnt so much, had loads of fun and ‘met’ so many people. Blogging is a community activity after all and our lives have become richer and more rounded as a result.
There are 1,052 articles here as of today. You contributed most of the 12,804 comments that make up the bulk of Cottage Smallholder content. Thank you all for that magnificent contribution, for reading this blog and helping us grow.
My first blog post 12 Aug 2006
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Happy anniversary to the cottage smallholding I shall have a celebratory glass of last years blackberry vodka for you.
Hope your feeling better as well.
jess x
Happy Bloggy Aniversary, Fiona, Danny, min pins and the rest of the gang.
Hip hip Hooray!
Happy Birthday!
Stick a candle in something homegrown and home cooked and blow it out, and we’ll all sing.
Out of tune.
And I’ll be the one half a bar behind …. 😀
Just joined your site today,Happy Anniversary to you!Also I’ve just made the damson chutney and it smells yummy!
Congrats to three years of such great and interesting information. I have now gained great kudos within my extended family with my ability to make jams and pickles thanks to your site giving me the confidence and ability to do so. My wife thinks I am mad but loves the end products. I havent let her at last years elderberry gin yet-far too nice to waste on a non believer! Once again congrats and thank you.
Happy blogiversary! Here’s to the next three years (and beyond)
Happy Anniversary. I do want you to know that I only found your recently and have been gradually catching up on all your writing. I didn’t realize that it was three years worth! Keep up the great work.
Three years of Cottage Smallholder – woooooo-hoooo! (Hang out the bunting)
We’ve enjoyed the orbits of PPPs colliding occasionally with that of CS – it’s fun to find another sloe-ginning/ chicken-keeping/ walnut-pickling household just a Muntjac’s skip away across the barley fields.
I’ve just re-read your first blog post and Danny’s comment… it just goes to show August should be re-badged as ‘Autumn’!
Long may the Cottage Smallholder head-girl and her team flourish 🙂
From all of the in-mates at the Cochinery
Happy, happy anniversary, and long may Cottage Smallholder continue! It’s clear from the comments that your blog has brightened many lives, including mine.
Hope you are on the mend, or at least that the doctor has found an appropriate treatment for your lurgy.
Happy Anniversary Fiona!!! 🙂 We are still busy with baby hedgehogs here, but hopefully I will soon get back to food blogging. 🙂 I have been busy making jams and chutneys lately too. 🙂 Thought of you the other day when I made the golden plum chutney. :)All the best and looking forward to years to come reading your blog.