The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Happiness is sunshine and a great book

Never Let Me Go

Never Let Me Go

I spent most of the day in the garden. Have that strange first sun on my face feel – slightly tight tingly skin. Ate brunch out there, without my trusty new hat, to get an extra blast of vitamin D. The hat has become my favourite companion when humans are not around! Comfortable and as reassuring as a hat could be.

I bumped into an old friend in Newmarket and she said how much better I’m looking.
“You’ve actually got some colour in your face.”
So the beneficial effects of the sun must be working. I’m loving the sunshine – it’s been such a long winter.

The time in the garden has not all been horticultural. I lazed in a chair reading for an hour or so. Seraphina lent me Never Let Me Go by Kaduo Ishiguro last weekend. I hadn’t read any Ishiguro before. I’m transfixed by this novel – want to read it/can’t bear to read it. When I woke this morning it was the first thing that I thought about. Beautifully written, haunting, it has got right under my skin.

One of my doctors spotted that I was reading it. Someone who claimed in the past that he never read novels.
“You won’t put that down!”
He struggled not to tell me the ending, dragged back when he was about to reveal all. Even mentioned the movie.

I can see why now.

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  1. Toffeeapple

    What a great way to spend the day. I shan’t be reading that book, it sounds far too draining for me.

  2. Magic Cochin

    I’ll put that on my ‘must-read’ list… thatnk you for the tip.

    I’ve just finished reading ‘Trespass’ – yet another amazing novel by Rose Tremain. I love the fact that her style can’t be pigeonholed – each one is a unique voice.

    You sound so much perkier lately – a touch of the former-cottagesmallholder voice is returning 🙂


  3. Can’t wait to read it. I have ordered it for my Kindle. It will have to join a queue of books waiting to be read though. Hope no one gives away the ending before I get to it!

  4. A friend of mine asked if I had seen the movie.I hadn’t-yet I said .Oh, he said,I was really shaken up by it, the ending is really…DON’T TELL ME I said.
    Clearly it does indeed get under one’s skin!

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