The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Going to the sales


Photo: Dr Quito posing with the new bed jacket

Photo: Dr Quito posing with the new bed jacket

I went to the sales this afternoon. To buy night clothes. These have become day clothes for me over the past six months. I needed pyjamas and a bed jacket – or as they are now known, a cardigown.

I’d been haunting TK Maxx waiting for the prices to drop beneath the red sale sticker stage and today found a gorgeous Janet Reger teddy bear coloured bed jacket and a pair of Lady Selina pyjamas for just £7.00 each. Happiness.

“Wow.” Said the lady at the cash desk. “These are great buys. If you are patient you can get some real bargains here.”
“Well this is the only shop that we use for clothes these days.”
“Same here. My husband got an overcoat here for a fiver last week.”

TK Maxx doesn’t sell cheap and nasty lines. Rather discounted lines. A lot are last years lines but who cares if you are looking for classic styles. Usually we buy clothes for each other for Christmas but this year I preferred to be given garden props. Once the snow goes they will really come into their own, meanwhile they are out on display in the sitting room.

I’ve been wearing my best cardigan as a bed jacket for months. Alternating with a sweat shirt when it’s released for a wash. But these are both quite uncomfortable if I fall asleep wearing them. Whereas the ultra soft Janet Reger has no hard buttons or seams it’s just soft and cuddly. It also has a hood for those chilly afternoons waiting for the heating to come on.

Danny was on a conference call when I returned from the shops and was goggle eyed when I swept into The Rat Room modelling the cardigown. He put his hand over the mouthpiece and whispered.
“You can’t wear that to Sylvia’s!” He whispered.

Sylvia is our neighbour across the road. Clothes are formal at her dinner parties and do’s.
“Not unless she’s throwing a sleepover party. It’s a bed jacket.”
Danny looked very relieved.
“The best part about it is the tail.” He smirked. It has a ribbon sash tie that had been pinned to the inside of the jacket. “Actually it’s gorgeous. Can’t believe it only cost seven quid.”

I’m delighted with my new buys. They’ve given me a real fillip. I put the bed jacket on the end of my bed and later discovered that Dr Quito had procured the new mode as a blanket. Min Pins always keep an eye out for a bit of luxury. At least it’s too big for him to wear it at night.

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  1. petoskystone

    i’m sure that dr. quito thanks you for his new bedding! flannel sheets for me in the winter time. we have a tk maxx near us, also.

  2. I also miss Tk’s as we don’t have them here (yeT)

    A friend once described it as a jumble sale with designer labels! ( But as I used to like those when I was a student – all that vintage stuff to remodel- I’ve just grown up a little!!) Great shoe Dept; Hush Puppies for less than half price in the shop! And great bedware I agree!!

    Ooooh, i need a trip back to blighty!! Fiona you makin’ me green!!

  3. veronica

    Count me another fan of TKMaxx. They don’t exist here, but I make a beeline there whenever I’m in the UK. I bought some gorgeous, elegant suede boots there for £20 a pair last year, and they had some beautiful leather handbags last time I was in a few weeks ago (I resisted). But they also have plenty of cheaper items, great for gifts because they are good quality and look as if you spent much more 🙂

    Love the fluffy bedjacket too, so cosy with the hood.

  4. Shhh don’t give away our secrets – TK Maxx is fabulous – I got my daughter the most gorgeous ski jacket just before the snow started to fall and its been a godsend. But keep quiet, we don’t want everyoen in there grabbing the bargains!!

  5. Now do you want to hear something funny? I thought the first time you wrote TK Maxx it was a typo, because here in the States it’s called TJ Maxx!

    ..and I will always call them a bed jacket, which brings to mind old-fashioned elegance, but I must say, I really don’t like the term ‘cardigown’, which just sounds…frumpy. I am glad that you have a lovely new bed jacket and that it was within the limits.

  6. Dideeanna

    Wow, this is the second time in two days that I have been told of bargains in TK Maxx! Fiona, your new bed jacket sounds wonderful and I understand that the store is great for kitchen equipment too! I can’t wait to get to our local branch in Bournemouth to see what it has to offer!

  7. Oh my goodness, what have you done Fiona ? You’ve pushed me to it. I hold you responsible. You’ll be hearing from my husband – fortnightly – THERE IS A TK MAXX IN TAUNTON and I’ll be heading there tomorrow !


  8. Oh Fiona, how exciting. I do so love a bargain.

    I get presents from a niece of mine from TK Max. She doesn’t have a lot of money and I get all hot under the something or other when she gives us our expensive presents….”It cost a fiver at TK Max” she always protests. I didn’t used to believe her excuses and was convinced she was profligate but I am beginning to believe her now and am so envious of you and her being able to get to a TK Max.

    I want to be able to pop in every other week and have the thrill of a true bargain but, alas, all we have here is the co-op….mind you, if you pop in there at the right time…

    Well I bought a packet of out of date ready to eat mixed salad this evening for 10p. The trick is to always wash this salad well…never believe it is ready to eat, it isn’t and yes, I know that lettuce is a very “dirty” veg unless it’s homegrown or organic but what can I do, two weeks ago my greenhouse lettuces were furry with white fly and now, thanks to the cold, they are dead.

    Now then what was I saying ? Ah yes, TK Max…I’m going to look them up now – perhaps there is one not too too far away.

    Fiona, isn’t this weather just right for cosying up and hanging around in your new “goonie” ? What fun and joy….just like your blog !



  9. It’s cashmere for me in bed, I confess. However, it is my oldest, palest, softest grey cardigan that is no longer fit to be seen in public on account of its lack of armpits! I believe on a ski jacket this feature would be called pit vents – but without the zips! It is a very versatile garment in bed as it can be worn either way and one arm or two. I think I need cashmere bed socks too. I’m going to put my electric blanket on full blast for a few minutes then head for bed as I have a sore throat and am feeling slightly spacey. I think I will do back to front and two arms so I can read in bed. The Time Traveller’s Wife, great read. I bought it well over a year ago and didn’t get round to reading it until it came up on my reading group list for this month. Inspired by your mention of puy lentils I had rice and lentils with sausage for tea tonight.

  10. Well, I share your neighbour’s name, but if you ever came to mine for dinner, You’d be welcome in your new bed jacket. It’s nice to dress up, but it’s even better to be cozy.

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