Geo Watkins Traditional Brown Sauce. Treats for under £1.50
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Reviews | 7 comments
I’m a big fan of Geo Watkins’ sauces. I use the anchovy sauce and the mushroom ketchup a lot. A few weeks ago I spotted there was a new (probably just to me) sauce on the supermarket shelves – Traditional Brown Sauce. So I popped it in my basket to put in Danny’s Christmas stocking. Could this be the perfect relish for his famous weekend brunches?
I’m not a brown sauce sort of girl. I grew up in a house where brown sauce didn’t make an appearance. When eventually tasted it – in a greasy spoon café with sticky plastic squeezable bottles – I didn’t like it and assumed it was a man thing.
Yesterday Danny ceremoniously shook the unopened bottle. And then read the label out to me.
“A fruity, spicy table sauce that will add zest to your bacon and eggs.” He grinned as he dolloped a large blob on his plate. Now D grew up with HP sauce on the table so he approached this new sauce with expectations. I, on the other hand tasted it with trepidation.
It was stunning, fruity yet savoury excellent with the sausages that he had grilled. Danny liked it with his eggs too and pronounced it to be much better than HP sauce.
So if you want to liven up a weekend brunch why not give it a go?
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I wonder was this yet another Quaker food product – there’s a ‘Meeting House’ logo on the closure tab, with pictures of Quakerly-looking types.
Timing! After weeks without sauces in the house, we had the tomato or brown debate (I like the two mixed with a bit of wholegrain mustard on my bacon sandwich but I may be alone there…) but this has helped make the decision. Why we can’t have both, I don’t know – think we’re trying to be a bit more ‘minimalist’ with all those jars/bottles that collect in the fridge door…
I was never much of a brown sauce fan until I tried Wilkin and Sons brown sauce, but I’ll be giving Geo Watkins a try next time because I think it’s quite a bit cheaper. If it’s as tasty as you say it is, it’s worth a try and I’ll be saving too.
Would love a recipe that tastes like ‘real’ brown sauce, if anyone has one it would be great to see. Can’t get Brown Sauce here, can get tomato but quite expensive so make my own, have had some brought over by family, but these days no one can as we usually travel with hand luggage only, and cant bring it in there!!
Hi S.o.L
I got mine at Waitrose.
Hi Magic Cochin
It was delicious. Must try it with bubble and squeak 🙂
HP Bubble and Squeak = Heaven!
I’ll look out for the Geo Watkins’ sauces
Looks like a good brunch 😉
I love brown sauce. Can you buy it in sainsburys I wonder