The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Gem squash

gem squash“We’re going to have a gem squash for supper tonight.”

I produced the dinky vegetable for Danny to see.
“How do you cook it?”
“Prick the skin in a few places and simmer for 20 minutes. Cut it in half and serve with lashings of butter and ground black pepper.”
“So it’s tasteless then?”

I knew that I would have a bit of a fight on my hands to get him to taste the squash. So I thought up a delicious supper menu that would allow the squash to be slipped surreptitiously under the blanket, so to speak.

I went up to the Rat Room and announced the menu to Danny.

“Lamb cutlets, flash fried in bacon fat with tarragon, cardamom, allspice and white wine. Individual ramekins of creamed potato with a parmesan topping, Lightly mashed flageolets with creme fraiche and Tabasco and scattered with crisp, streaky bacon. And squash.”

He heroically waved the squash through. Who wouldn’t on a Wednesday evening?

The asparagus steamer was handy for simmering the squash (I knew that it would be useful outside the asparagus season). I sliced it in two when the rest of the meal was ready and had a teeny taste before D rumbled downstairs. It was sweet and tasty. Delicious.

Danny’s fork hovered over the plate. Would he eat the best or worst bit first? He bravely scooped out some gem squash and tasted it.

“This is the first time in my life that I have enjoyed a squash. How much do they cost? I must look out for them in the remaindered bin at Waitrose.”

A good move as they have a long shelf life. However, the fresher they are the better. Gem squash are a delicacy.

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  1. Gemsquash seed available in the UK from apriljenneson AT googlemail DOT com

    Seeds also available at*-10-Seeds-*_W0QQitemZ270695356841QQcmdZViewItem?rvr_id=204055414248&rvr_id=204055414248&cguid=17b9d64f1280a0e203c64686ff3858b4

    10 for 99p plus postage

  2. @Alice
    I have sent you a seperate email πŸ™‚

  3. Alice Venter

    @ Debra,

    I tried to save some seeds. They were drying on a plate on my counter only to find a MOUSE having a gourmet meal.
    I’m getting my gun.
    I have NO seeds >;-( So I will order some more.
    If you send me an email I would be willing to send you some over when I get them πŸ™‚

  4. Hi everyone, I am a South African living in Canada. This is the first year I am growing them in my tiny yard in Edmonton Alberta with mixed results.I will definitely be growing them again next year now that I have a better idea of what their growing requirements are.

  5. @fn… Thank You!I will have a look and order.
    @Alice… Hi I am now in the UK been here for 5 years and actually loving it. I really really miss my gems….

  6. AliceVenter

    Ho Debs!

    Are you in the US or the UK? I will find out where my in-laws bought the seeds here in the US (I think somewhere on the west coast). They got them on a website and the seeds were very good quality. They also got white Boer Pampoen which also grew quite nicely in compost rich soil. Do keep weeds and pests away though πŸ™ Worms ate through the vines of the Boer Pampoen. A strong trellis is definitely going to be your best bet for pests AND growing space!

    Thanks for the info on storing the seeds! I figured that would be the best way, but sometimes these things have weird quirks about their seeds. πŸ˜‰
    Will repost website as soon as we get out of chruch!

    For all of the UK-ers, would they REALLY know if a “friend” sent you some seeds… say if they were packed in with some candies and books or something? I’m a rebel and would send/receive seeds and other things in the post. Having family in SA/UK and not a lot of SA goodies here… we get crafty! πŸ˜€

    Alice Venter
    Butt Nekkid Foods
    North Georgia, USA

  7. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Debra

    You can buy gem squash seeds here

  8. Hi Alice….. W H e r e did you buy your seeds? I’m desperate to get some….
    To save your seeds…. put in tissue paper and place at the back of cupboard and take out when needing to plant.

  9. AliceVenter

    Hellow everyone! I’m an American married SA’can. When we were married 10 years ago in SA, I was introduced to these lovelies!
    We finally bought a farm in the South Eastern US and grew some this year. FANTABULOUS! I want to try some of the savory recipes you all talk about, especially with mince. We do a similar thing with butternut squash.
    My kids LOVE it just cut in 1/2, boiled with salt water and with butter and a tiny bit of sugar. They mix it up and eat it out of it’s own “bowl”. They even take it to school in their lunches for everyone to ooohhh and ahhhh about πŸ™‚
    I’ve got the seeds, but how do I “save” them. We bought our seeds online this year.


  10. luckynicky

    Thank you Toffeeapple… Haven’t had any luck yet… I can’t believe I won’t have any gem squash this year… :((( I will just have to keep searching…

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