The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Simpkin the cat attends the tailor of gloucester_Beatrix Potter

Simpkin the cat attends the tailor of gloucester_Beatrix Potter

The last time that I got flu was several years ago when I’d actually paid for a flu jab! In that instance I had flu twice – each session lasting a week with one happy ‘well day’ in between. Since then I haven’t bothered with the jab.

I’ve been laid up with flu this weekend. It was so bad that I began to get a bit panicky on Saturday night, sharp stabbing pains that didn’t let up. Everything hurt from inside my ears to between my toes. Rocketing temperature and deep chills. I was taking Beechams Powders and used up the recommended allocation for the day. Perhaps ordinary paracetamol would have been better?

The Min Pins began to get a bit fed up too. As I tossed and turned they had what we call “a bad night a sea.” I could feel the tiny bodies scrabbling to find a quiet place to settle in the bed.

By Sunday things had improved and I’m much better today. Still in bed though, feeling pretty mouldy and fighting the MPs to get my feet on the hottie.

Whenever I’m ill in bed I think about that wonderful tale by Beatrix Potter The Tailor of Gloucester. Here at the cottage Danny carries out the Simpkin role and he doesn’t hide my *twist!





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  1. Kooky Girl Blog

    Sending get well hugs through the ethers.. That brandy, lemon, honey combo works wonders for the flu. Failing that, you can alternate between nurofen/paracetemol as they do not interfere with each other.. I did that when I had my bunion op. Although you may find with the flu that the brandy/lemon/honey works practically as well. Take it easy and rest up, and when you do finally feel better, still take is easy as flu gives your whole body a serious bashing. All the best, Kg.

  2. Hope you feel better soon Fiona. I am sure Danny is taking great care of you. Like Joanna, I have never had flu, but do know how bad it can make people feel. Hugs to you.

  3. Ditch the Beechams and take Madcats’s advice. Get well soon.

  4. oooh flu is such a misery….there’s no mistaking it for a heavy cold.
    Poor you Fiona…and I hope you’re taking some of madcat’s medication.Sounds good.
    Do I HAVE to have flu before having some Madcat?!

  5. I have had flu twice in my life and you have my deepest sympathy it is a miserable condition and certainly not to be confused with a cold. Drink plenty, cosset yourself and don’t rush back into the traces.

  6. only had the flu once and do not want it again commiserations to you and get well soon.

  7. Get well soon Fiona- I know about the fight for hot water bottles and bed space- Fred is the master of fairly unsubtle hot water bottle take over. Fortunately, he is even hotter than a hottie and doesn’t mind feet being placed beneath him…

  8. Sorry to hear you are unwell Fiona, Get well soon, I will keep you in my thoughts xx

  9. Oh dear! All you can do is wait and sleep it out. May I recommend honey (1 large tsp), brandy (double at least, cooking brandy is fine for the job, don’t be mean, it is for medical purposes), lemon juice (good slosh out of a bottle of juice ‘cos it is too hard to be bothered to juice a fresh one in your state) and boiling water in the sort of mug you can hug. Breathe steam, inhale scent of honey and lemon, drink it down to warm the cockles and dooooooze. Repeat as often as necessary.

  10. Hope you feel better soon Fiona. I am grateful for never having suffered flu in my life and long may it remain that way.

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