The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Flowers from the garden: July

roses in JulyI still haven’t bought any flowers this year. Now there are loads of flowers in the garden it is not quite so hard to roll the trolley past the flower displays in the supermarket. Although when there are those large bunches of sweet smelling stocks the trolley often makes a small veer towards the buckets.

I picked this bunch early in July. Sometimes I don’t worry about clashing colours I just want to smell roses when I open the kitchen door. The scent of these was so sweet. Most of the roses are modern roses that were here in the garden when I came to the cottage. The last of the Rambling Rector is peeping out (second left) and the pink rose is another favourite old rose that I planted – I can’t remember its name. Joining the party are Canterbury Bells and Feverfew.

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    I love all stocks, so well worth growing for the wafts of heavy scent as you pass. My Nicotiana Affinis are great for scent too this year.

  2. I like your bouquet of flowers … the white Canterbury Bells look great with the roses.

    There’s something about evening-scented stocks that is so appealing. I have them blooming in my garden in a variety of colours. Their scent on hot summer nights is intoxicating (with the humidity factored in, our temperature reached 47c today).

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Ash,
    Thanks for dropping by. So sorry to hear about your devastating floods.

    Hi Celia,
    Yes I agree. This clashy bunch worked so well and the scent was heavenly.

    Hi Joanna,
    Thank you so much for tagging me. I am still coming out in spots when I see a fantastic supermarket display. Although the size of the spots diminishes every month.

    Hi Sara,
    I am delighted that you tagged me and will respond after a bit of thought

  4. farmingfriends

    Hi Fiona,
    I hope you don™t mind but I™ve tagged you for the Seven Random (Gardening) Facts About Me, Meme. I really wanted to learn more about your garden. Visit for the rules.
    Best Wishes
    Sara from farmingfriends

  5. Joanna

    FANTASTIC … and SO much nicer than anything you could buy in a supermarket. I’ve tagged you for Bloggers for Positive Global Change – changing the world, one bouquet at a time!


  6. Beautiful flowers – roses whatever their colour always seem to look good together! and the white flowers with them set them off perfectly.


  7. Absolutely gorgeous!

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