The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Flowers from the garden: August 2008

posy august 2008What could be sweeter than a posy of flowers. Picked from your own garden, on a sunny evening when the air is full of swallows and bees.

Not just the flowers but the joy of the moment is carried indoors to curl beside me on the kitchen table. Companionable, late into the night.

Outside, the garden drifts in darkness and the wind in the trees is the sound of the sea.

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Sharon J

    Thank you!

    Hello Sylvie

    I love flowers from the garden too. They have a softness that shop bought flowers just don’t have.

    Hi Wendy

    Great that you are doing the same! I’m thinking of making my flower photos into a calendar for next year!

    Mrs Boss is doing well, two chicks and superbly happy.

    Hi Angela

    Thanks for leaving a comment. Much appreciated.

  2. what a lovely arrangement, i do flowers for the church and baptisms, always looking for ideas

  3. Lovely flowers and thoughts. As you know I really like your monthly flower arrangement – I still do my own and take a picture as I mentioned on an earlier post.
    Hope Mrs. Boss is doing well, am looking forward to the births! x

  4. I love bunches of garden flowers. The crazier and varied the better. Yours are beautiful.

  5. Sharon J

    What a simple but beautiful post 🙂

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