The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Fiona is ill and her daily posts have been interrupted

Hello, everybody – it’s Danny here.


Fiona has been ill for the past few days and I have confined her to bed, with many cups of tea ( omygawd, she is such a demanding patient! )


No, that last bit is just a joke. Almost J


Her blog will be three years old in August and she has recently posted her 1,000th article. That is a great achievement, to her credit. So please excuse her now for missing a few days. Her laptop is also languishing – crashing after half an hour.


Then again, she has divulged her password to me, so maybe I will have some fun!


Maybe she has swine flu? Possibly. But you know that it could be a combination of avian flu and swine flu.




Pigs might fly !!!!


OK, I will get my coat .  . . . . . .


PS: my spuds are now twice the size of John Coe’s.

What should I do ????

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  1. Danny … what a star for standing in.. well done!

    Send my best wishes and a get well hug to Fiona for a speedy recovery

  2. jackie

    If you combine the swine flu the avian flu and the spud problem, you could rustle up ham egg and chips.

    Get well soon fiona.

    danny did you maybe plant/ work with your spuds on a good day, biodynamically (ie by the moon?) that would explain their thriving. Look out for blight and lurk with the Bordeaux Mixture …

  3. Danny Carey

    Girls and guy(s) – thank you all so much for your wonderful uplifting comments. Even though Fiona has not sat at a working computer for several days she does have a Blackberry, so she receives every comment that you send and absolutely adores them all. It has been a real tonic for her.

    I know she often responds to comments individually but can you all please accept a grateful generic THANK YOU on this occasion. The sheer count of your good wishes has been fantastic.

    On a personal note, I just wish the very best of luck to the spud growers amongst you (spud ice cream included).

    No wonder she loves you all.

  4. Debbie

    Sorry to hear that you are not feeling 100% Fiona. Here in Turkey we say “geçmi? olsun” to make you get better soon.

  5. karenO

    Hi to both. Sorry to hear you’ve been unwell Fiona but glad Danny has been looking after you. Thank you for keeping us up to date Danny and not disappointing us on the post. I must admit to trying to be in 2 places at once over the weekend and still have 3 buckets of elderflower wine & 1 of champagne to strain yet so I didn’t log in but am catching up now and appreciate your post Danny. Sounds like you’ve had fun with Fiona’s password! Congratulations on the potatoes btw.

  6. I submitted a get well message and a witty comment but had got the code thingy wrong and now I can’t remember what I said originally – I would recommend the Monte Carlo break instead of fixing the laptop. It’ll make you feel a whole lot better.

  7. Amanda

    Dear Fiona, feel well lovely!! Hope this message finds you 100% better.

    …and Danny you are most welcome to come and cook us roast poussin anytime we’re sick. please..

  8. Allotment blogger

    Fiona, get well soon, or Danny might take over the blog forever …!

  9. Veronica

    oh dear — fingers crossed for the laptop! If it’s just a software problem, maybe the PC repair man can just roll it back to a point where it was working.

    Keep pampering Fiona, and I hope she feels better soon!

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