The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Feeling like a character in a Victorian novel

Primulas in January

Primulas in January

I’m still in bed although I did totter to the bathroom today to indulge in a long indolent bath. I’ve got over the fever and aches but am exhausted. I’m beginning to feel like a character from a Victorian novel who wakes to find herself in an unknown bed in a strange room.

Arabella shifted in the bed and opened her eyes. She was lying in a comfortable bed in a large room. A plump lady was sitting beside a warm fire. There was an old rocking horse in the window.
“Where am I?”
Nanny Hug lifted her head. She put aside her mending and bustled closer.
“You are at Flubugg Hall, Miss. My master Sir Reginald Bugg found you wandering on the moors. Why, it must have been a good three weeks ago.”
“Three weeks!”
“Yes, and we nearly lost you during that first week. A right state you were in. We had to call the doctor twice – he rode all the way over from Widows Peak – a good twenty mile round trip. But Sir Reginald said, “I only want the best for this beauty.”
Now don’t try and sit up, Pet. You are still very weak. I’ve got some beef tea warming beside the fire. In a few days time you might like to sit in the Bath chair on the terrace and enjoy the spring sunshine.”

I’ll be taking things slowly for the next few days but it’s wonderful to be feeling a bit better. Meanwhile Danny is dusting off that old Bath chair and sweeping the leaves off the terrace.


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  1. Tanya @ Lovely Greens

    Hope you feel better soon…I’m ill myself so can empathise.

  2. Toffeeapple

    Do you know how to make real beef tea? Look it up – it’s gross.

    Good to know that you are on the mend though, it might take several months to get fully back up to speed, so don’t over-do it.

    Hugs. xx

  3. devongarden

    Really glad you are feeling better. Do take things gently, flu takes ages to recover from fully.

  4. Get well soon. xxx

  5. “Feeling like a character in a Victorian novel” Fiona?
    Bet it’s David Copperfield you’d like (the magician) 🙂

  6. So glad to hear you are feeling better Fiona. Rest and take it slowly.

  7. Sounds like you have what I had a couple of weeks ago (complete with the very exotic dreams you mentioned on Twitter :). I feel tons better now, just need some warm sunshine so I can sit outside in my bath chair 😉 Be well!

  8. Danny Carey

    Fiona is a very good patient. Read more here.

    I am still looking for the bath chair and the terrace 🙂

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