The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Explosion of ladybirds


Photo: Ladybird

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that were hundreds of ladybirds (ladybugs) in our garden. I was delighted, assuming that finally we had got something right and that these little bugs were happily breeding in our garden.

Years ago I did look into buying ladybirds for our garden. They were expensive at £14.95 for twenty five adults.
Apart from eating green and black fly, ladybirds also devour scale insects, mould and a whole host of nasties. No need for chemicals, the perfect answer to controlling pests organically.

I counted over a hundred on the old kitchen garden fences within minutes. Perhaps we could become ladybird farmers? They seemed to like me – I woke to find two on my pillow the other day.

Gardening Naturally claims that 100 ladybird larvae can keep pests at bay in a 40m/40m area. So we had spares, hundreds of them.

Then this news feed caught my eye. Ladybird explosion…

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Liz

    many apologies – I missed your comment. The cabbage white butterflies have been a nightmare here to. Going to get much slimmer netting for next year. Great to see them having fun but…

    Hello Jaquie H

    They like to nest in windows and doors – you don’t see them as they tend to prefer the frames. Yes, this is how they hibernate and they will immerge in the Spring. They do no damage overwintering so they should be encouraged as they eat aphids and are useful in the garden.

  2. Jacquie H

    We’ve got loads of big ladybirds sitting in the sun on our french doors, coming in as and when they can. Will they nest indoors? Is this OK? Do they die or go out in Spring?
    Thanks for any comment

  3. We’ve had an investation down here in Hampshire as well, and also had some on the house, but not has many has the cabbage whites, infact last Sunday we had so many in the garden I lost count, our poor puddy cats were pooped out trying to catch them and our cabbages have been decimated.

  4. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Linda

    Our ladybirds rarely fly indoors in the summer but if we leave the windows open and a light on they are attracted indoors.

    Hi Kate (uk)

    Best leave the bees alone then.

    We call them stink bugs!

    Hi Jane

    I’ve only seen one aphid this year – now I know why!

    Hi Alexx

    I just hope that they overwinter happily in our ladybird hotels and stay.

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