The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Eleventh Blog Anniversary!

Eleven years have passed since the very first post on this blog.

Looking back I can see that my involvement with the blog was an amazing journey. Filling my small world with new ideas, people and experiences. I travelled far beyond the kitchen table where I wrote each day. It was one of the greatest adventures that I have ever experienced.

When I sat down to write that first post I had no idea of that promising future. The slow switch from pottering along on auto pilot to gradually learning how to actually fly the plane.

And of course if you can fly that plane you need to choose where you want to go. And there’s the rub.
I realised that I was in a place that I didn’t want to be. I didn’t know where I wanted to go. I was completely lost.
So over four years ago I cut Danny loose, stopped blogging and hid away.

I missed Danny, missed the blog.

I must admit that I couldn’t find that pilot’s license for a while and drifted about feeling angry and sad.

The chickens gradually died off and I was left with just a lonely cockerel. The min pins died too. I took in an Olympian Mouser Cat that was finding it hard to find a forever home and he was quickly joined by two four year old dogs that needed care.

Oh the amazing power of animal therapy! We were all damaged and needed unconditional love.

So on this eleventh aniversary of the birth of the Cottage Smallholder blog I’d like to introduce you to two of my best friends – Fanny and Ruby. They are posing in their basket which is located on the human dog basket.

Hopefully you will hear more about them in the future as I am now going to start blogging again.

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  1. Patricia

    Oh I’m so happy to see you posted. I’ve missed reading your posts, following you walking in your back garden, cooking, caring for the min pins, talking about your village. Are you still in the home you shared with Danny for that period in your life? I remember your posts about the hedgehogs that lived at the foot of your garden and have been wondering if their children and grandchildren are back there. I’m rambling but just know that I did miss you and hope you will feel safe enough to return in spurts.

  2. Hello, Fiona…I would love to see you start blogging again…I thought this was a recent post and was quite excited, then found that it was 17 months old. I guess it was harder than you hoped to start up again.

    If it’s any inspiration, there are so many North American homesteading blogs, but you’re the only UK blog I follow. Having lived 8 years in the UK as a Canadian, but now back in Canada, I am feeling homesick and nostalgic for the British way. I really hope you can start up again, if only in a small way. Remember it doesn’t have to be perfect or amazing! 🙂 Sending love and support. <3

  3. Jackie Roberts

    Fiona this made me weep and I also feel so happy that for you another journey begins! I look forward to hearing all about it. With love to you, Fanny and Ruby and wishing you a Happy Christmas from Jackie x

  4. I always return to your blog to look for Anna’s onion gravy recipe – I do hope you start blogging again.

  5. Carole Brooks

    Missing your updates…:(

  6. Well I’m hoping an old post of yours about whitefly is going to help me – onions and nettles but not quite how you did it, as my situation is slightly different. I have some cuttings of perennial kale and tree collards in pots that I’m hoping will root. Been away for a week and found that some are infested with whitefly. So searching the Internet, I stumbled across your blog, made some nettle tea and spritzed them with it, then gathered handfuls of chives and their flowers to sprinkle round them. Now keeping my fingers crossed as well as spritzing these expensive and hard to find cuttings.
    Well then I was looking round your blog and came across this one…I hope you’re ok, as I can’t find anything posted in this year. I just wanted to give you some distant moral support from a perennial singleton, who suffers in relationships, takes it bad when they end, but is ultimately stronger, freer, and generally more content on her own. My last relationship finished a couple of years ago and in my late 50s I finally realise that all things considered my life is more stable as a single. Accepting it is very hard, as we’ve been indoctrinated to think we must be in a partnership when in fact with a little thought and planning you can have the best of both worlds.
    Good luck whatever you’re doing! I’ll still be browsing the blog for useful tips…

  7. I do hope to read your posts again soon. I have missed them very much. I’m glad you are feeling better than the last time we heard from you.

  8. I came searching for your membrillo recipe and am thrilled that you are upright and ready to sail again! I am looking forward to joining you regularly.

  9. PipneyJane

    Welcome back, Fiona. I’ve missed your “voice”. I’m glad you’re in a better place than before.

  10. Catherine

    Would you mind if I asked when you are hoping to start blogging again.

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