The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Eggy Bread recipe

Delicious plate of eggy bread with bacon

Eggy bread is delicious and easy to cook

“How much do you love me?” I asked.
I was standing under the kitchen table as my mother ironed above on an old folded blanket.
“I love you lots.”
“More than the others?”
The iron thumped and swished above.
“I love you all the same.”

“If you tell me that you love me more, I won’t tell them.”
This was a lie and I knew it.

I had a plan. If my mother admitted that she was fonder of me than my older brother and sister I’d creep out of the kitchen and run down the garden, cutting through the shadows. Then I’d steal up to the thorny door of their blackberry bush camp and shout through the prickly doorway.
“She loves me more.”

My mother resolutely refused to oblige me. But she did make me eggy bread which was a delicious comfort when my siblings wouldn’t include me in their adventures.

We ate this last night. Danny was returning late and wasn’t interested in supper. I was just slicing same of our home cured bacon when he pushed open the front door.

Suddenly he wanted to join my gang.

Eggy Bread recipe
Recipe Type: Snack
Author: Fiona Nevile
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 15 mins
Total time: 20 mins
Serves: 2
This is sometimes called French Toast or Gypsy Toast and is a great supper snack for children, invalids and people who have already enjoyed a good lunch earlier in the day. It is at its best fried in bacon fat but a tasty slim line version can be made with a little rape seed oil. This is best made with white bread.
  • 3-4 eggs
  • 2 thick slices of white bread (hand cut)
  • A dash of milk (about a tblsp)
  • A small pinch of salt
  • Rapeseed or olive oil and a small knob of butter (to give it that edge).
  • A good lash of ground black pepper
  • A small dollop of cream if you have it knocking around in the fridge
  1. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat to break the yolks. Add the milk, salt, pepper and cream. Beat briefly to combine.
  2. In a large low sided dish, lay out the slices of bread and pour the raw egg mixture over. Leave to soak for 2-5 minutes and turn the slices over. Let the eggy mixture soak right into the bread.
  3. Heat the oil/butter combination in a frying pan over a medium heat. When these are hot (but not smoking) add the slices of egg infused bread pour the remaining egg over them and turn the heat down low.
  4. Turn the bread after 5-7 minutes and leave for a further 4 minutes on the second side.
  5. Serve on warm plates ideally with grilled tomatoes and bacon.


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  1. Jamie miller

    I like eggy bread like my friend louis angle

  2. currymusodave

    a gourmet treat! Thanks for the recipe

  3. Great recipe, thanks! Eggy bread is one of my favourite comfort foods, and was pretty much the staple diet of me & my friends when we were about 15!

  4. Fiona Nevile

    Hello A

    I’ve been watching with interest the snowfall in the USA. Amazing.

    I love eggy bread/French toast to. You’ve given me the nudge to make it for breakfast tomorrow. Thanks.

  5. Here on the East Coast of the States, people tend to run to the grocer for eggs, bread and milk on the eve of a snowstorm.

    My housemate and I decided that this was because everyone feels a compunction to make French Toast (eggy bread)when it snows.

    We just got hammered with one blizzard (and we had delicious eggy bread and bacon) and are going to be hit with another one in two days (better get/make more bread, eh?).

    It’s a nice tradition — get the ingredients and have French Toast/Eggy Bread for breakfast or dinner or whatever (It’s awful nice when you come in from shoveling your walkway and someone has made you a hot meal).


    PS — LOVE the site, only wish I had more backyard space to take good advantage of!

  6. I love eggy bread too. Tip for those with children who aren’t keen on their veg: I very finely grate carrot into the eggs before soaking the bread and children hardly notice it’s there. It goes sweet when the bread is fried and adds a bit of healthiness!

  7. Well i eat it with sugar instead of salt

    MUCH better

  8. Hi Fiona. In my student days I discovered cheesy dreams! Like eggy bread but with a twist. You make a plain cheese sandwich on white bread, quarter, dip in the egg and fry. It really is heaven on a plate….perhaps not on the hips tho!

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