The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Easter tree

Easter treeI have never made an Easter tree before. In fact I didn’t know about them until I saw one at Carol’s house. She had made it for her grandchildren to enjoy. And she loved it too.

A few weeks ago I chatted to Nicky who tends Anne Mary’s garden.
“I always make an Easter tree. I used to pretend that it was for the children but now they’ve grown up I’ve realised that it was always for me.”

Nicky added that if you leave the twigs in water they will eventually develop roots and you can plant these to make new hedges or trees for free.

Then I read this wonderful post on a good blog – finding simplicity that I have been enjoying recently.

I love the Norwegian tradition of cutting birch twigs and bringing Spring into the house a few days before Easter Sunday. The buds should unfurl into bright green leaves within a snatch of days. Put the vase somewhere warm a few days before the festival.

My tree doesn’t have the traditional Norwegian coloured feathers. The branches are beech rather than birch. But it was fun collecting the twigs and it’s the perfect opportunity to show off my friend Tessa’s present of delicate, decorative eggs. I’m already impatient for the leaves to appear and also to find our large box of Easter decorations. Lost and cheeping soundlessly somewhere in the cottage.

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  1. lulu doula

    Thank you for this beautiful idea. I am new to your wonderful site. Have spent the morning blowing and painting egs with my girls, the dough for our hot cross buns is rising and we are now decorating our first tree. I have used fuschia twigs, do you think they will be good? Either way we are having a lovely time. Thank you 🙂

  2. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Amanda

    Welcome back from hospital!

    I know the feeling, it’s horrid to miss out on a family tradition. Even if it’s one in the making.

    So pleased that you are up and running (albeit in the stratosphere again!).

    Hi Plumsource

    D and I love our Easter Tree. Still just in bud but that’s fine.

    D said this evening
    “I love it because it’s exquisite and doesn’t take up the space of a Christmas tree.”

    This is a fresh sprit. A Christmas tree is a totally different animal.

  3. plumsource

    Thanks so much for the inspiration for the easter tree. I hadn’t heard of them before you mentioned it and I’ve absolutely loved making mine from some lilac branches. I just looked at your picture again and we have the same yellow felt chick hanging on ours too – great taste!! Hope you had a good easter.

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