The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Dukes Teal au Vin or Tippled Teal in Cider recipe. Contributed by Duncan Lang


Photo: Duck rather than teal copyright Hanna Zabielska

Photo: Duck rather than teal copyright Hanna Zabielska

Photo: Copyright Hanna Zabielska

Teal – wild duck – is a lot gamier than ordinary duck and far more compact. We occasionally find one on offer at Waitrose and pop it into the freezer for a special occasion. So I was delighted when Duncan sent me this recipe. 

“I first cooked it about six years ago and it was yummy I was then asked by a friend for ideas on how to cook Teal for Valentines evening, so I gave him this recipe.” Duncan explained.
“He did the cider variation and it met with great success by all accounts. I decided that I should also revisit its tantalising delights and so I cooked the red wine version on the Friday before Valentines for my better half.
Anyway, thought you and Danny might enjoy having a go. If you do not have any teal it works just as well with jointed mallard or pheasant or whole partridge. In fact it works with most game, oh rabbit is good too.”

This recipe inspired me to cook some pheasant thighs that had been bought on a whim (£4.99 down to £1.25) and were knocking about in the freezer as I wasn’t sure what to do with them. I used the wine version, in the slow cooker and it was truly superb (recipe to follow in a few days). I can’t wait to try it with teal.

Dukes Teal au Vin or Tippled Teal in Cider


Brace of Teal
1 large onion roughly chopped or 8-10 shallots
1 clove garlic crushed or chopped using the back of the knife
1 small carrot chopped
Sprig each thyme and parsley 1 bay leaf
75g unsmoked bacon lardons
10 button mushrooms or small dark gilled mushrooms
Bottle of red wine or cider
Slug of brandy
Butter and olive oil
Salt and pepper


Put a knob of butter and a glug of olive oil in a casserole dish over a medium heat.

When it is ready add the onion and carrot and fry for about 3 mins until they start to brown.

Add the bacon and continue cooking until that too begins to brown

Add the garlic and cook for about 3 mins – do not let the garlic colour

Remove everything and put aside. Then ad the teal breast down and brown each breast for about 4 mins. Do not keep moving them or they will not brown enough. Do both sides of the breasts and then turn them on their backs and cook for another 3-4 mins.

Remove the teal. Glug some brandy in and flambé.

Put every thing back in (except the mushrooms)

Season, cover with the wine, bring to the simmer and cook for 2-3 hrs at 120 C. add the mushrooms for the final 20 mins of cooking.

When the meat is beautifully tender, remove the teal to a warming oven and add some roux a little at a time to the casserole, stirring well until the sauce has thickened to your desired consistency.

Serve with green beans and crusty French bread.


Thank you Duncan – this recipe is a winner.

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  1. Hi Hank, the Teal we get over her are Eurasian Teal (Anas crecca). Similar in size to the green-winged teal and always recon on one bird each.

    Fiona, really glad you like the recipes and that they have proved such a success for you.

    All the best


  2. Love teal! Green-winged teal are among the tastiest ducks in our California marshes. Do you know what kind they are in England? (there are all kinds of teal in the world) And a brace would really only feed two three people, yes? We call them “single serving ducks” here…


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