The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Delicious fried leftover potatoes recipe


Photo: Danny's delicious refried potatoes

Photo: Danny's delicious refried potatoes

The potato King always cooks too many spuds. He loves to see a decent sized pan of home grown potatoes – he can have some for supper and then graze – overnight and if he has cooked lots, a pre breakfast snack. I don’t eat loads of spuds so his ears switch into Spud Protective Mode if I want some more – he knows how to cook seriously good spuds so this does happen quite a lot these days. There’s always a little jump of surprise, followed by,
“Help yourself to as much as you want.”
I always leave second helpings for D. Years ago I used to be master of re-cooked spuds. Until D got the bit between his teeth and produced these. They use far less oil than mine and are much tastier. Sometimes I think that they are better than the original spuds. They key point to success is to cook them very slowly on the hob. These potatoes are first cooked with the skins on for extra flavour and nutrients.

Don’t throw away left over potatoes. Cook these and bask in the applause.

Fried leftover potatoes (2 or 3 medium ones – enough to make you feel guilty about tossing them)

Slice the potatoes 1 cm thick, skins and all. Rub a teaspoon of olive oil into them.

Pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil to a heavy bottomed frying pan. Add a level tsp of garlic granules and freshly ground pepper and salt to taste. Fry them very slowly for 40 minutes, turning occasionally at a low heat. Our hob has numbers 1-10. D cooks these on 2.5.

Astoundingly good.

Mouse count 6

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  1. jacqui rev

    hi i had a greek nanny. she used to make me a meal we called nanna cushion special. slice potatoes thinly and thinly sliced onion,salt & pepper. fry on a low light in a nob of butter and a little olive oil untill the potatoes have fallen & the onions is brown. whisk 1 or 2 eggs and mix into the poatoes & onion. cook till eggs have set just like a big omellette Devine

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