The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Danny’s yummy homemade garlic bread




Spaghetti bolognaise is one of our staples. Our recipe is more like the traditional Italian one with lots of vegetables and not so much meat as the UK version. It tastes delicious, you are not aware of the vegetables and isn’t as sickly and dense as some UK recipes can be. The great thing about our recipe is that it already has loads of veggies in it so there’s no real pressure to serve veg on the side. Although I do like a really fresh green salad.

Danny loves it too but insists on garlic bread. Up until last week we always bought this – the Tesco one is far better than the Waitrose one. Usually I have one knocking about in the fridge (they always have a pretty long sell by date on them – preservatives?). But last week the fridge was bare. Panic.

We had a white crusty loaf. So Danny ran up this impromptu garlic bread. He cut six chunky slices (300g), heated up 50g of butter and added 15g of crushed chopped garlic.

He spread  the butter/garlic mixture on the inside faces of the slices – leaving the two end slices bare on the outside. Pressed the slices together and wrapped them in foil. He then popped the package in Andrew for 15 minutes at 200c.

This was absolutely wonderful. We’ll never ever darken the supermarket doors again in search of garlic bread.

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  1. Kooky Girl

    I’ll be honest – I do both. Sometimes, I just want to throw something in then oven and not worry about chopping and spreading. I recently bought some part-baked ciabatta from the supermarket. So, I cut slices 2/3 of the way through it, and spread the slices with my herb/garlic/butter mixture. I like to add fresh parsley in with the mix and sometimes fresh thyme too. Let it all finish baking in the oven – and it was amazing. The last time I did this, I too questioned why I was buying bought garlic bread too. It was so much better than shop bought…

  2. Terrier

    Can’t believe you’ve never made it before guys, good use of bread thats just the wrong side of fresh, and as you say – so easy.

  3. I don’t eat bread any more (coeliac) but I used to love this.
    Pestle and mortar, butter out of fridge, garlic and/or herbs. Elbow grease! Baguette with sideways slits, press mixture against cut bread. Oven or freeze. Nothing compares!

  4. I don’t eat bread any more (coeliac), but I used to love this.
    Pestle and mortar, butter out of the fridge, garlic and/or chopped herbs. Elbow grease.
    Small baguettes, slits sideways, push mixture against cut bread, push together, foil. Freezer or oven. Nothing compares!

  5. I had a similar experience but in reverse – I always wondered who would buy shop made garlic bread. When I was younger my mum would always keep a look out for end of day French baguettes going cheap (before Sunday opening hours it was always dirt cheap late Saturday afternoon), then along with a extra pack of butter and some garlic she would put me and my sisters to work with the bread knife and some foil to make batches of this to wrap and stuff in the freezer. This would then be employed in emergencies or when we fancied some with our weekend suppers.

  6. I love pasta. Any kind. I used to hate spaghetti because my mother’s was institutionally awful. Then one night to appease my husband I made spaghetti and meatballs. It was so good.

    I guess it doesn’t help that I’m hungry, and reading this post has made me want pasta again. But then, I’m very suggestable. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten up and poured myself a scotch because I was watching a Western and they got to the saloon scene!

  7. Joanna

    It is wonderful when you find out how easy something can be and begin to wonder why on earth we have been buying the expensive alternative all this time. I wonder why folks buy pancake mixes, how hard is that to make?

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